我正在尝试使这个 WordPress 网站更流畅或响应更快,这样它就不会在不同的屏幕分辨率下重叠。

我知道@media 属性,但我不确定如何在我的主题中实现它。






3 回答 3


要使任何网站或 wordpress 网站具有响应性,请使用 css 媒体查询。

将此添加到 head 标签上方的 header.php 文件中

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

然后在您的 css 文件中添加媒体查询

@media all and (max-width: 699px) and (min-width: 520px), (min-width: 1151px) {
 body {
  background: #000;



于 2013-02-17T06:27:04.673 回答



然后你真的必须决定它是否值得。有几种工具,我通常推荐:http ://www.abookapart.com/products/responsive-web-design


As for doing this fast. There's no fast way to do responsive design the right way. It's about targeting the responsiveness to the proper needs.

于 2013-02-17T07:21:20.860 回答

Is there a quick "1-2-3" to this, or is it much more intricate?

Much more intricate I'm afraid.

The theme you are running "Flexibility 3" is not adaptive or responsive.

As @coletrain mentions, you may set the initial viewport size using meta tag (note: this does not make your site responsive, it merely sets the initial scale of your site within the devices veiwport).

To make your website play nice on varied viewport sizes you have a few options:

  • Use the Adaptive Layout approach, whereby you pick any number of breakpoints for your media queries (those widths at which your websites elements will adjust to new dimensions/layout). Breakpoints are typically chosen to target the more common viewports - e.g. ipad portrait/landscape + iphone portait/landscape.

At each of these breakpoints you would have to specify the new dimensions for all elements on your site that need to scale down (e.g. reducing the width of your #wrap div).

This approach is losing popularity largely because it is fundamentally flawed by only targeting a finite number of viewport sizes, but for those less experienced it may be an accessably low hanging fruit http://uxdesign.smashingmagazine.com/2012/11/08/ux-design-qa-with-christian-holst/.

  • Responsive/Fluid, this method would require you to basically revise many of your websites styles that pertain to the layout/structure and replace the rigid px values with inherently fluid % values.

A VERY crude example here - given a rigid two column layout like your .postwrap & #sidebar you could change to employ fluid values like:

.postwrap {
width: 60%;
#sidebar {
 width: 35%;

Responsive is highly recommended as when implemented correctly, it "future proofs" for the increasingly varied mobile landscape.

  • (This is what I would do if I was you) You are using WordPress, arguably one of the most powerful characteristics of this platform is the ability to easily change the Look & Feel of you site by swapping themes.

有大量的免费响应式 WP 主题,真的没有理由不拥有一个设计良好且对移动设备友好的主题。去谷歌上查询。

此外,至于您的社交图标重叠问题 - 再次利用 WP 的力量来发挥您的优势,如果您正在寻找“1-2-3”解决方案,请尝试一些不同的插件。

编辑:正如@stepquick 所提到的,Ethan Marcottte 的响应式网页设计是一本很好的读物(根据我的经验,A Book Apart 书籍往往是一个很好的“无毛病”资源)。此外,如果您想要更多地动手而不是简单地实现一个打包的主题,您还可以从使用诸如基础http://foundation.zurb.com/之类的框架开始构建您自己的。

于 2013-02-17T07:24:46.570 回答