这是我使用 Smarty 模板的主要 Index.php。在此页面中,我在管理面板中激活时包含了一个 JQuery 登录小部件。$sel 是你的 $page。
It goes through a Switch incase I add more views for the index page, for example a publicity view for those who get there though a google advert. So the publicity can link to ?sel=googlead1 and I can display a page based on that.
I call my authentification class and load the user (method called refreshes his presence on site so its not useless)
Then I load the selected page through a function call. After that I exit code execution.
In the function, I call a shared widget for several pages which allows the user to log in through a JQuery panel. That gets the page.
include "./include/includes.php";
if(isset($_POST["sel"]) or isset($_GET["sel"]) )
$sel =isset($_POST["sel"])?$_POST["sel"]:$_GET["sel"];
$auth = new authentification($dbconn, "", "","");
$user = $auth->checkuser();
default: IndexPage();
function IndexPage(){
global $smarty, $lang, $config;
//load the text for the login
$smarty->assign("text", $lang["basiclogin"]);
if($config["auth_widget"] == "true")
//display the whole index page
In the actual index_page.tpl I load the widget like so:
{if isset($auth_widget)}
<div id="auth_widget" style="float:right;">
Hope this helps show another way to organize your code with Smarty (which is really awesome in my opinion)
Edit: Here is the shared getAuthWidget function - notice it uses fetch instead of display.
* Allows various pages to get the authentification widget if desired
* @global Object $smarty
* @global Array $lang
* @global Array $config
* @global Array $user
* @return Page returns the fetched template widget
function getAuthWidget($err = ""){
global $smarty, $lang, $config, $user;
$smarty->assign("text", $lang["basiclogin"]);
//check if user is loaded, if not, throw error
if(isset($user) && $user["id"] >= -1)
$smarty->assign("user", $user);
echo "user not set";
return $smarty->fetch($config["index_theme_path"]."/auth_widget.tpl");