我第一次使用 github 问题跟踪器,我正在尝试管理一组大约 50 个未解决的问题。我想使用标准布尔查询对标签进行过滤。但我能弄清楚的只是AND查询。例如,我可以显示所有标记为view/controller和的问题easy meat。但我不知道如何执行以下任何查询:

  • 显示所有已标记view/controller但未标记的easy meat解决问题。

  • 显示所有标记为major refactoring或的未决问题needs thought

  • 向我展示每个没有任何标签的未解决问题。

我已经搜索并且我有 RTFM,但我找不到一种方法来询问这些类型的查询。 这样的查询甚至可能吗? 如果是这样,如何问他们?


2 回答 2


This is possible since GitHub introduced the advanced filters.

Show me all open issues that are labeled view/controller but are not labeled easy meat.

is:open is:issue label:"view/controller" -label:"easy meat" 

Notice the - before label: which says do not give me the issues containing this label.

Show me all open issues that are labeled either major refactoring or needs thought.

This is not supported (using label:A label:B means A and B instead of A or B) but you can do two different queries:

is:open is:issue label:"major refactoring"
is:open is:issue label:"needs thought"

Show me every open issue that does not have any label.

Use the no:label query:

is:open is:issue no:label

As additional info, you can refer to the GitHub documentation. And, https://github.com/issues can be your playgroud–being authenticated, you can search all the issues from repositories you have read access!

于 2015-10-08T06:12:58.433 回答

不可能,至少只使用 GitHub Web 应用程序。可能有 3rd 方问题管理 Web 应用程序可以执行此操作(通过 GitHub API),但我不知道有任何可以完全执行且仅执行您想要的操作。查看:





有一些方法可以使用格式化的问题命名+搜索来实现几乎你想要的,如下所述: https ://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/129714/how-to-manage-github-issues-for-priority-etc

于 2013-02-17T07:24:29.813 回答