我有一个电影院座位项目,可以动态创建复选框作为座位。我在代表座位(alpha)和行(数字)的复选框的顶部和右侧动态创建标签。目前我在顶部有数字,我想要字母,即 A、B、C、D。
Public Class frmSeating
' Declare two dynamic arrays to store the created CheckBox and Label
' control instances. The array named chkSeats is a 2-dimensional array
' and the array lblRow is a one dimensional array.
Private chkSeats(,) As System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
Private lblRow() As System.Windows.Forms.Label
Private lblSeat() As System.Windows.Forms.Label
' The following constants improve readibility by defining the
' standard size of each check box, and the number of seats and rows
' for each airplane type.
Private Const cintCheckBoxHeight As Integer = 23
Private Const cintCheckBoxWidth As Integer = 23
Private Const cintABCSeats As Integer = 20
Private Const cintABCRows As Integer = 20
Private Const cintCBSSeats As Integer = 26
Private Const cintCBSRows As Integer = 30
Private Const cintNBCSeats As Integer = 10
Private Const cintNBCRows As Integer = 25
' The variables mintFull and mintEmpty store the number of
' occupied and empty seats in the theater.
Private mintFull As Integer
Private mintEmpty As Integer
' pntCurrent is used to create a Point structure.
Private pntCurrent As System.Drawing.Point
' All of the work takes place in the ConfigureSeating procedure. This
' procedure is called by the constructor. See the New procedure in the
' Windows Form Designer generated code.
Private Sub ConfigureSeating(ByVal TheaterType As String)
' Variables to store the current seat and the current row.
Dim pintSeatCurrent, pintRowCurrent As Integer
' The Select Case statement configures the airplane based on the
' type of airplane. This value is passed to the procedure, and is
' obtained from the argument passed through the constructor.
Select Case TheaterType
Case "ABC Theater"
' Redimension the arrays containing the check boxes and
' labels based on the current Theater configuration.
ReDim chkSeats(cintABCSeats, cintABCRows)
ReDim lblRow(cintABCRows)
ReDim lblSeat(cintABCSeats)
' Define the number of empty seats.
mintEmpty = cintABCSeats * cintABCRows
' Create each check box representing a seat.
For pintSeatCurrent = 0 To cintABCSeats - 1
For pintRowCurrent = 0 To cintABCRows - 1
pntCurrent = New Point((pintSeatCurrent + 1) * cintCheckBoxWidth, _
(pintRowCurrent + 1) * cintCheckBoxHeight)
Call CreateCheckBox(pintSeatCurrent, pintRowCurrent, pntCurrent)
'Create the labels to identify the rows.
For pintRowCurrent = 0 To cintABCRows - 1
Call CreateRowLabel(pintRowCurrent)
lblRow(pintRowCurrent).Left = 490
lblRow(pintRowCurrent).Top = (pintRowCurrent + 1) * cintCheckBoxHeight
lblRow(pintRowCurrent).Height = 15
lblRow(pintRowCurrent).Width = 25
'Create the labels to identify the columns
For pintSeatCurrent = 0 To cintABCSeats - 1
Call CreateSeatLabel(pintSeatCurrent)
lblSeat(pintSeatCurrent).Left = (pintSeatCurrent + 1) * cintCheckBoxHeight
lblSeat(pintSeatCurrent).Top = 1
lblSeat(pintSeatCurrent).Height = 15
lblSeat(pintSeatCurrent).Width = 25
Case "CBS Theater"
ReDim chkSeats(cintCBSSeats, cintCBSRows)
ReDim lblRow(cintCBSRows)
ReDim lblSeat(cintCBSSeats)
mintEmpty = cintCBSSeats * cintCBSRows
For pintSeatCurrent = 0 To cintCBSSeats - 1
For pintRowCurrent = 0 To cintCBSRows - 1
pntCurrent = New Point((pintSeatCurrent + 1) * cintCheckBoxWidth, _
(pintRowCurrent + 1) * cintCheckBoxHeight)
Call CreateCheckBox(pintSeatCurrent, pintRowCurrent, pntCurrent)
For pintRowCurrent = 0 To cintCBSRows - 1
Call CreateRowLabel(pintRowCurrent)
lblRow(pintRowCurrent).Left = 625
lblRow(pintRowCurrent).Top = (pintRowCurrent + 1) * cintCheckBoxHeight
lblRow(pintRowCurrent).Height = 15
lblRow(pintRowCurrent).Width = 25
For pintSeatCurrent = 0 To cintCBSSeats - 1
Call CreateSeatLabel(pintSeatCurrent)
lblSeat(pintSeatCurrent).Left = (pintSeatCurrent + 1) * cintCheckBoxHeight
lblSeat(pintSeatCurrent).Top = 1
lblSeat(pintSeatCurrent).Height = 15
lblSeat(pintSeatCurrent).Width = 25
Case "NBC Theater"
ReDim chkSeats(cintNBCSeats, cintNBCRows)
ReDim lblRow(cintNBCRows)
ReDim lblSeat(cintNBCSeats)
mintEmpty = cintNBCSeats * cintNBCRows
For pintSeatCurrent = 0 To cintNBCSeats - 1
For pintRowCurrent = 0 To cintNBCRows - 1
pntCurrent = New Point((pintSeatCurrent + 1) * cintCheckBoxWidth, _
(pintRowCurrent + 1) * cintCheckBoxHeight)
Call CreateCheckBox(pintSeatCurrent, pintRowCurrent, pntCurrent)
For pintRowCurrent = 0 To cintNBCRows - 1
Call CreateRowLabel(pintRowCurrent)
lblRow(pintRowCurrent).Left = 255
lblRow(pintRowCurrent).Top = (pintRowCurrent + 1) * cintCheckBoxHeight
lblRow(pintRowCurrent).Height = 15
lblRow(pintRowCurrent).Width = 25
For pintSeatCurrent = 0 To cintNBCSeats - 1
Call CreateSeatLabel(pintSeatCurrent)
lblSeat(pintSeatCurrent).Left = (pintSeatCurrent + 1) * cintCheckBoxHeight
lblSeat(pintSeatCurrent).Top = 1
lblSeat(pintSeatCurrent).Height = 15
lblSeat(pintSeatCurrent).Width = 25
End Select
End Sub
' The CreateCheckBox procedure is responsible for actually creating
' each CheckBox control instance and adding a reference to the array.
' The current seat and row are passed as arguments, along with the
' position of the check box.
Private Sub CreateCheckBox(ByVal pintSeatCurrent As Integer, ByVal pintRowcurrent As Integer, ByVal pnt As Point)
' Create an instance of the CheckBox control and make it visible.
chkSeats(pintSeatCurrent, pintRowcurrent) = New CheckBox()
chkSeats(pintSeatCurrent, pintRowcurrent).Visible = True
' Define the size of the CheckBox control instance by creating an
' instance of the Size structure and assigning a value to the Size
' property.
chkSeats(pintSeatCurrent, pintRowcurrent).Size = _
New System.Drawing.Size(cintCheckBoxWidth, cintCheckBoxHeight)
' Define the position of the CheckBox control instance.
chkSeats(pintSeatCurrent, pintRowcurrent).Location = pnt
' Add the event handler for the newly created CheckBox control instance.
' The procedure named chkSeats_CheckChanged will handle the CheckedChanged event for
' all of the created check boxes.
AddHandler chkSeats(pintSeatCurrent, pintRowcurrent).CheckedChanged, _
AddressOf chkseats_CheckedChanged
' Finally, add the newly creted CheckBox control instance to the Controls
' collection for the Panel. Note that by adding the control instance to the
' Controls collection of the Panel rather than the form, the control instances
' will be contained by the Panel. The reason is simple. The CheckBox control
' instances will scroll with the Panel instead of the form.
Me.pnlSeats.Controls.Add(chkSeats(pintSeatCurrent, pintRowcurrent))
End Sub
' The CreateLabel procedure is responsible for actually creating each
' Label control instance and adding a reference to the array.
Private Sub CreateRowLabel(ByVal pintRowCurrent As Integer)
lblRow(pintRowCurrent) = New Label()
lblRow(pintRowCurrent).Visible = True
lblRow(pintRowCurrent).Text = (pintRowCurrent + 1).ToString()
End Sub
Private Sub CreateSeatLabel(ByVal pintSeatCurrent As Integer)
lblSeat(pintSeatCurrent) = New Label()
lblSeat(pintSeatCurrent).Visible = True
lblSeat(pintSeatCurrent).Text = (pintSeatCurrent + 1).ToString()
End Sub
' The CheckedChanged event handler is a multicast event handler and
' handles the CheckedChanged event for all of the CheckBox control instances.
' The statements in the event handler update the number of full or empty
' seats in the theater.
Private Sub chkseats_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
' Declare a varible to store the CheckBox.
Dim chkCurrent As System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
' Again, because sender is of type System.Object, explicitly convert
' the argument to a check box using the CType function
chkCurrent = CType(sender, System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox)
' If the check box is checked, increment the number of occupied seats
' and decrement the number of empty seats. If the check box is not checked,
' then do the reverse.
Select Case chkCurrent.Checked
Case True
mintFull += 1
mintEmpty -= 1
Case False
mintFull -= 1
mintEmpty += 1
End Select
' Display the results in the labels.
lblFull.Text = mintFull.ToString()
lblEmpty.Text = mintEmpty.ToString()
End Sub
' Uncheck all of the check boxes by enumerating the Controls collection of the Panel.
Private Sub mmuSeatsClear_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles mmuSeatsClear.Click
Dim ctlCurrent As Control
Dim chkCurrent As CheckBox
' The For Each loop enumerates the Controls collection for the
' Panel rather than the form.
For Each ctlCurrent In pnlSeats.Controls
' Check that the type of the control instance is a CheckBox.
' Labels are also contained by the Panel. If the control instance
' is a CheckBox, then remove the check mark by setting the Checked property
' to False.
If TypeOf (ctlCurrent) Is System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox Then
chkCurrent = CType(ctlCurrent, System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox)
chkCurrent.Checked = False
End If
lblFull.Text = ""
lblEmpty.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub mmuFileExit_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles mmuFileExit.Click
End Sub
End Class