我有以下功能,用于将文件上传到 azure 存储帐户。
public string UploadToCloud(FileUpload fup, string containerName) { // 从连接字符串中检索存储帐户。CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"]);
// Create the blob client.
CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
// Retrieve a reference to a container.
CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(containerName);
string newName = "";
string ext = "";
CloudBlockBlob blob = null;
// Create the container if it doesn't already exist.
newName = "";
ext = Path.GetExtension(fup.FileName);
newName = string.Concat(Guid.NewGuid(), ext);
blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(newName);
blob.Properties.ContentType = fup.PostedFile.ContentType;
//S5: Upload the File as ByteArray
return newName;
然后,我拥有了在未托管在 azure 上的网站上使用过的此功能:
public string ResizeandSave(FileUpload fileUpload, int width, int height, bool deleteOriginal, string tempPath = @"~\tempimages\", string destPath = @"~\cmsgraphics\")
fileUpload.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(tempPath) + fileUpload.FileName);
var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(fileUpload.FileName);
var newFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + fileExt;
var imageUrlRS = Server.MapPath(destPath) + newFileName;
var i = new ImageResizer.ImageJob(Server.MapPath(tempPath) + fileUpload.FileName, imageUrlRS, new ImageResizer.ResizeSettings(
"width=" + width + ";height=" + height + ";format=jpg;quality=80;mode=max"));
i.CreateParentDirectory = true; //Auto-create the uploads directory.
if (deleteOriginal)
var theFile = new FileInfo(Server.MapPath(tempPath) + fileUpload.FileName);
if (theFile.Exists)
File.Delete(Server.MapPath(tempPath) + fileUpload.FileName);
return newFileName;