我正在使用140 dev Twitter 框架来提取 100 条推文的数组并过滤结果以仅显示过去 60 分钟的推文。我还希望这是过去 60 分钟内的推文总数。注意:这是来自 140 dev 的代码,我正在调整以实现这一目标。


// The search terms are passed in the q parameter
// search_server.php?q=[search terms]
if (!empty($_GET['q'])) {

    // Remove any hack attempts from input data
    $search_terms = htmlspecialchars($_GET['q']);

    // Get the application OAuth tokens
    require 'app_tokens.php';

    // Create an OAuth connection
    require 'tmhOAuth.php';
    $connection = new tmhOAuth(array(
      'consumer_key'    => $consumer_key,
      'consumer_secret' => $consumer_secret,
      'user_token'      => $user_token,
      'user_secret'     => $user_secret

    // Request the most recent 100 matching tweets
    $http_code = $connection->request('GET',$connection->url('1.1/search/tweets'), 
                array('q' => $search_terms,
                'count' => 100,
                'lang' => 'en',
                'type' => 'recent'));

    // Search was successful
    if ($http_code == 200) {

        // Extract the tweets from the API response
        $response = json_decode($connection->response['response'],true);
        $tweet_data = $response['statuses']; 

        // Load the template for tweet display
        $tweet_template= file_get_contents('tweet_template.html');

        // Load the library of tweet display functions
        require 'display_lib.php';      

        // Create a stream of formatted tweets as HTML
        $tweet_stream = '';

        $sumArray = array();

        foreach($tweet_data as $key=>$tweet) {  

            $hourcount = $tweet['created_at'];

            $deltatime2 = time() - strtotime($hourcount);

            if ($deltatime2 < (60 * 60)) {
                $deltasum = floor($deltatime2 / 60);

            // Ignore any retweets
            if (isset($tweet['retweeted_status'])) {

            if ($deltasum < 60) {

                // Get a fresh copy of the tweet template
                $tweet_html = $tweet_template;

                // Insert this tweet into the html
                $tweet_html = str_replace('[screen_name]',
                $tweet_html = str_replace('[name]',
                $tweet_html = str_replace('[profile_image_url]',
                $tweet_html = str_replace('[tweet_id]',
                $tweet_html = str_replace('[tweet_text]',
                $tweet_html = str_replace('[created_at]',
                $tweet_html = str_replace('[retweet_count]',
                // Get time value
                $tweet_html = str_replace('[minute_count]', 
                // Add the HTML for this tweet to the stream
                $tweet_stream .= $tweet_html;



        // Pass the tweets HTML back to the Ajax request
        print $tweet_stream;

    // Handle errors from API request
    } else {
        if ($http_code == 429) {
            print 'Error: Twitter API rate limit reached';
        } else {
            print 'Error: Twitter was not able to process that search';

} else {
    print 'No search terms found';




1 回答 1



    $http_code = $connection->request('GET',$connection->url('1.1/search/tweets'), 
            array('q' => $search_terms,
            'count' => 100,
            'lang' => 'en',
            'type' => 'recent'));

这意味着您将其设置为“最近”并且计数为 100。它将自动从给定的搜索中获取最近的 100 条推文。时间限制不是多余的吗?

于 2013-02-17T16:50:12.327 回答