我对 Matlab 很陌生。我使用 parfor 循环来完成一项非常耗时的任务。请参阅下面的片段。但是,我从 Matlab 得到了错误信息。任何人都可以帮忙吗?我阅读了有关 parfor 的文档,但不知道该怎么做...
The parfor loop cannot run due to the way variable "M" is used
The parfor loop cannot run due to the way variable "T" is used
MATLAB runs loops in parfor functions by dividing the loop iterations into groups, and then sending them to MATLAB workers where they run in parallel. For MATLAB to do this in a repeatable, reliable manner, it must be able to classify all the variables used in the loop. The code uses the indicated variable in a way that is incompatible with classification.
parfor i=1:size(x,1)
if (ind(index(i)) == Index1)
para=lsqcurvefit(F, [M(index(i)) T(index(i))], t, SS(ind(index(i)):end,i), [0 0], [MaxiM(index(i)) maxT],options);
elseif (ind(index(i)) == Index2)
para=lsqcurvefit(F, [M(index(i)) T(index(i))], t2, SS(ind(index(i)):end,i), [0 0], [MaxiM(index(i)) maxT],options);