我正在尝试将几个值读入我的 C++ 程序。
当我输入一个 1 位数字(在我的代码底部)时,我很好。
但是,如果我输入一个 2 位数字,例如“10”,则消息(我输入的第二个内容)将被删除。
char * args[6];
unsigned time = 5;
char input[5]; // for string input
string message= "message";
//these strings and *chars are tempary strings for the purpose of reading in data
string temp;
char *temp2 = " ";
char *temp3 = "empty pointer";
args[count] = "-m";
count ++;
//Prompt for the message
cout <<endl<<"Alright, Please enter your message: "<<flush;
getline(cin, message);
cout <<endl<<endl;
message = "\""+message;
//we can't use the string, so we copy it to temp3.
strcpy(temp3, message.c_str());
//Now we input the string into our array of arguments
args[count] = temp3;
count ++;
cout <<"Please enter time "<<flush;
//validate input utnil its an actual second.
bool done = false;
while (done == false){
for(unsigned i = 0; i < temp.length() & i < 5; i++){
input[i] = temp[i];
done = CheckInteger(input, input);
time = atoi(input);
if (done == true & time < 1) {
cout <<"Unable to use a number less than 1 seconds! "<<endl;
cout <<"Please enter the number of seconds? "<<flush;
done = false;
}else if (done == false){
cout <<"Please enter the number of seconds? "<<flush;
cout <<endl<<endl;
time = atoi(input);
//timer argument
args[count] = "-t";
count ++;
// enter the time need to comvert from int to string.
ostringstream convert;
convert <<time;
temp = convert.str();
//need to convert from string to character
strcpy(temp2, temp.c_str());
args[count] = temp2;
count ++;