我正在尝试在通过 EF 引用表的 LINQ 查询中动态构建 where 子句,但出现以下错误:

'ClaimantLastName' could not be resolved in the current scope or context. Make sure that all referenced variables are in scope, that required schemas are loaded, and that namespaces are referenced correctly. Near member access expression, line 6, column 2.


string whereClause = string.Format("ClaimantLastName = '{0}' and ClaimantSSN = '{1}'", lastName, ssn);



return db.Claims.Where(whereClause).Select(
                    u => new AdvancedSearchResult
                        ClaimNumber = u.ClaimNumber,



public static Claim CreateClaim(global::System.Int32 id, global::System.String claimantFirstName, global::System.String claimantLastName, global::System.String claimantSSN, global::System.DateTime dateOfInjury, global::System.String claimNumber, global::System.String claimantMiddleName, global::System.String claimantAddress1, global::System.String claimantAddress2, global::System.String claimantCity, global::System.String claimantState, global::System.String claimantZip, global::System.DateTime claimantDateOfBirth, global::System.String compensability, global::System.Boolean injuryType, global::System.String jurisdictionState, global::System.String status, global::System.String condition, global::System.String managingBranch, global::System.String bodyPart, global::System.String acceptedBodyPart, global::System.Boolean pGCase, global::System.String employersDefenseAttorney, global::System.String accidentDescription, global::System.String claimExaminerFirstName, global::System.String claimExaminerLastName, global::System.String claimExaminerEmail, global::System.String claimantAttorney, global::System.String workerId, global::System.String workerType)
    Claim claim = new Claim();
    claim.Id = id;
    claim.ClaimantFirstName = claimantFirstName;
    claim.ClaimantLastName = claimantLastName;
    claim.ClaimantSSN = claimantSSN;
    claim.DateOfInjury = dateOfInjury;
    claim.ClaimNumber = claimNumber;
    claim.ClaimantMiddleName = claimantMiddleName;
    claim.ClaimantAddress1 = claimantAddress1;
    claim.ClaimantAddress2 = claimantAddress2;
    claim.ClaimantCity = claimantCity;
    claim.ClaimantState = claimantState;
    claim.ClaimantZip = claimantZip;
    claim.ClaimantDateOfBirth = claimantDateOfBirth;
    claim.Compensability = compensability;
    claim.InjuryType = injuryType;
    claim.JurisdictionState = jurisdictionState;
    claim.Status = status;
    claim.Condition = condition;
    claim.ManagingBranch = managingBranch;
    claim.BodyPart = bodyPart;
    claim.AcceptedBodyPart = acceptedBodyPart;
    claim.PGCase = pGCase;
    claim.EmployersDefenseAttorney = employersDefenseAttorney;
    claim.AccidentDescription = accidentDescription;
    claim.ClaimExaminerFirstName = claimExaminerFirstName;
    claim.ClaimExaminerLastName = claimExaminerLastName;
    claim.ClaimExaminerEmail = claimExaminerEmail;
    claim.ClaimantAttorney = claimantAttorney;
    claim.WorkerId = workerId;
    claim.WorkerType = workerType;
    return claim;

更新:添加了 Paul 的建议代码作为试用版。这实际上有效。

whereClause = string.Format("ClaimantLastName = \"{0}\" and ClaimantSSN = \"{1}\"", lastName, ssn);

                   List<URIntake.Claim> claims = new List<Claim>();
URIntake.Claim claim = new Claim();
claim.ClaimantFirstName = "Jay";
claim.ClaimantLastName = "Williams";
claim.ClaimantSSN = "654219870";
claim.ClaimantDateOfBirth = new DateTime(1993, 1, 2);

claim = new Claim();
claim.ClaimantFirstName = "Santa";
claim.ClaimantLastName = "Claus";
claim.ClaimantSSN = "012345678";
claim.ClaimantDateOfBirth = new DateTime(1893, 1, 2);

List<AdvancedSearchResult> selectedClaims = claims.AsQueryable().Where(whereClause).Select(
    u => new AdvancedSearchResult
        ClaimNumber = u.ClaimNumber,
        DateOfBirth = u.ClaimantDateOfBirth,
        DateOfInjury = u.DateOfInjury,
        Denied = u.Compensability == "Denied"

5 回答 5



public Expression<Func<Claim, Boolean>> GetClaimWherePredicate(String name, String ssn)
  //the 'IN' parameter for expression ie claim=> condition
  ParameterExpression pe = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Claim), "Claim");

  //Expression for accessing last name property
  Expression eLastName = Expression.Property(pe, "ClaimantLastName");

  //Expression for accessing ssn property
  Expression eSsn = Expression.Property(pe, "ClaimantSSN");

  //the name constant to match 
  Expression cName = Expression.Constant(name);

  //the ssn constant to match 
  Expression cSsn = Expression.Constant(ssn);

  //the first expression: ClaimantLastName = ?
  Expression e1 = Expression.Equal(eLastName, cName);

  //the second expression:  ClaimantSSN = ?
  Expression e2 = Expression.Equal(eSsn, cSsn);

  //combine them with and
  Expression combined = Expression.And(e1, e2);

  //create and return the predicate
  return Expression.Lambda<Func<Claim, Boolean>>(combined, new ParameterExpression[] { pe });
于 2013-02-15T22:42:43.923 回答

我个人非常喜欢使用 PredicateBuilder,因为它仍然具有 LINQ 的外观和感觉,而不是一些神奇的字符串。您可以拥有各种条件,然后将子句添加到谓词中,它将为您编译所有内容。



var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<MarketingCabinetItem>();

//add vendor filter
if (vendorComboBox.SelectedValue != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(vendorComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString()))
    var vend = vendorComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString();
    predicate = predicate.And(m => m.Vendor == vend);
    vendPredicate.And(v => v.VendorName == vend);

//get all mkt item types in category
if (categoryComboBox.SelectedValue != null)
    var mktCatId = Guid.Parse(categoryComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString());
    predicate = predicate.And(p => p.CategoryCategoryId == mktCatId);

// get the marketing items using the inner and outer
var mktItems = (from mi in ctx.MarketingItem.AsExpandable()
                join mType in ctx.ItemType.AsExpandable() on mi.MarketingItemTypeId equals mType.Id
                join mktCat in ctx.Category.AsExpandable() on mType.MarketingItemCategoryId equals mktCat.Id
                join att in ctx.Attachment.AsExpandable() on mi.Id equals att.MarketingItemId
                join pri in ctx.Priority.AsExpandable() on mi.PriorityId equals pri.Id

                select new MarketingCabinetItem
                   Id = mi.Id,
                   Title = mi.Title,
                   ItemTypeDescription = mType.Description,
                   PriorityLevel = pri.Level,
                   StartDate = mi.StartDate,
                   ExpirationDate = mi.ExpirationDate,
                   HasAttachments = att != null,
                   CategoryDescription = mktCat.Description
于 2013-02-15T20:29:49.323 回答

You could/need to use dynamic linq


db.Where("Something = @0 And SomethingElse = @1", "Blah", 42)

Seems to be how it is handled (note the lack of need for string.Format)

于 2013-02-15T19:07:15.840 回答


using (var context = new workEntities() )

    Dictionary<string, List<string>> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
    dictionary["Title"] = new List<string> {  
                    "Network Engineer", 
                    "Security Specialist", 
                    "=Web Developer"
    dictionary["Salary"] = new List<string> { ">=2000" };
    dictionary["VacationHours"] = new List<string> { ">21" };
    dictionary["SickLeaveHours"] = new List<string> { "<5" };                
    dictionary["HireDate"] = new List<string> { 
    dictionary["ModifiedDate"] = new List<string> { DateTime.Now.ToString() };

    var data = context.Employee.CollectionToQuery(dictionary).ToList();
于 2014-03-02T21:37:51.420 回答
    public class SearchField
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string @Value { get; set; }
        //public string Operator { get; set; }

        public SearchField(string Name, string @Value)
            this.Name = Name;
            this.@Value = @Value;
            //Operator = "=";

    public class FilterLinq<T>
        public static Expression<Func<T, Boolean>> GetWherePredicate(params SearchField[] SearchFieldList)

            //the 'IN' parameter for expression ie T=> condition
            ParameterExpression pe = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), typeof(T).Name);

            //combine them with and 1=1 Like no expression
            Expression combined = null;

            if (SearchFieldList != null)
                foreach (var fieldItem in SearchFieldList)
                    //Expression for accessing Fields name property
                    Expression columnNameProperty = Expression.Property(pe, fieldItem.Name);

                    //the name constant to match 
                    Expression columnValue = Expression.Constant(fieldItem.Value);

                    //the first expression: PatientantLastName = ?
                    Expression e1 = Expression.Equal(columnNameProperty, columnValue);

                    if (combined == null)
                        combined = e1;
                        combined = Expression.And(combined, e1);

            //create and return the predicate
            return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, Boolean>>(combined, new ParameterExpression[] { pe });



ClinicEntities x = new ClinicEntities();

  dataGridView1.DataSource = x.Patient
new SearchField("PatientNameEnglish", "Mona Mohamed Ali"), 
new SearchField("PatientHusbandName", "Ahmed Sallam Kareem"))).ToList();


于 2013-05-20T09:17:26.320 回答