我基于Wikipedia 低效但清晰的伪代码编写了一个极其幼稚的 Atkin 筛子实现。我最初在 MATLAB 中编写了算法,它省略了 5 作为质数。我还用 Python 编写了算法,结果相同。

从技术上讲,我知道为什么5 被排除在外;在步骤 where n = 4*x^2 + y^2,n == 5 当 x == 1 和 y == 1 时。这只发生一次,所以 5 从素数翻转到非素数并且永远不会翻转回来。

为什么我的算法与 Wikipedia 上的算法不匹配?虽然我做了一些表面上的调整(例如,每次迭代只计算一次 x^2,在第一个方程中使用它时存储 mod(n, 12) 的值等),但它们不应该改变逻辑算法。

我阅读了几个与阿特金筛子 相关的讨论 ,但我不知道哪些差异在我的实现中造成了问题。


def atkin1(limit):
    res = [0] * (limit + 1)
    res[2] = 1
    res[3] = 1
    res[5] = 1

    limitSqrt = int(math.sqrt(limit))
    for x in range(1, limitSqrt+1):
        for y in range(1, limitSqrt+1):
            x2 = x**2
            y2 = y**2
            n = 4*x2 + y2
            if n == 5:
            nMod12 = n % 12
            if n <= limit and (nMod12 == 1 or nMod12 == 5):
                res[n] ^= 1

            n = 3*x2 + y2
            if n == 5:
            if n <= limit and (n % 12 == 7):
                res[n] ^= 1

            if x > y:
                n = 3*x2 - y2
                if n == 5:
                if n <= limit and (n % 12 == 11):
                    res[n] ^= 1

    ndx = 5
    while ndx <= limitSqrt:
        m = 1
        if res[ndx]:
            ndx2 = ndx**2
            ndx2Mult =m * ndx2
            while ndx2Mult < limit:
                res[ndx2Mult] = 0
                m += 1
                ndx2Mult = m * ndx2
        ndx += 1

    return res


function p = atkin1(limit)

% 1. Create a results list, filled with 2, 3, and 5
res = [0, 1, 1, 0, 1];

% 2. Create a sieve list with an entry for each positive integer; all entries of
% this list should initially be marked nonprime (composite).
res = [res, zeros(1, limit-5)];

% 3. For each entry number n in the sieve list, with modulo-sixty remainder r:

limitSqrt = floor(sqrt(limit));
for x=1:limitSqrt
    for y=1:limitSqrt
        x2 = x^2;       y2 = y^2;

        % If r is 1, 13, 17, 29, 37, 41, 49, or 53, flip the entry for each
        % possible solution to 4x^2 + y^2 = n.
        n = 4*x2 + y2;
        nMod12 = mod(n, 12); 
        if n <= limit && (nMod12 == 1 || nMod12 == 5)
            res(1, n) = ~res(1, n);

        % If r is 7, 19, 31, or 43, flip the entry for each possible solution
        % to 3x^2 + y^2 = n.
        n = 3*x2 + y2;
        if n <= limit && mod(n, 12) == 7
            res(1, n) = ~res(1, n);

        % If r is 11, 23, 47, or 59, flip the entry for each possible solution
        % to 3x^2 - y^2 = n when x > y.
        if x > y
            n = 3*x2 - y2;
            if n <= limit && mod(n, 12) == 11
                res(1, n) = ~res(1, n);

        % If r is something else, ignore it completely.

   % 4. Start with the lowest number in the sieve list.
ndx = 5;
while ndx < limitSqrt
    m = 1;
    if res(ndx)
        % 5. Take the next number in the sieve list still marked prime.
        % 6. Include the number in the results list.
        % 7. Square the number and mark all multiples of that square as nonprime.
        ndx2 = ndx^2;
        ndx2Mult = m * ndx2;
        while ndx2Mult < limit
            res(ndx2Mult) = 0;
            m = m + 1;
            ndx2Mult = m * ndx2;

    % 8. Repeat steps five through eight.
    ndx = ndx + 1;

p = find(res); % Find the indexes of nonzerogo


// arbitrary search limit
limit ← 1000000         

// initialize the sieve
is_prime(i) ← false, ∀ i ∈ [5, limit] 

// put in candidate primes: 
// integers which have an odd number of
// representations by certain quadratic forms
for (x, y) in [1, √limit] × [1, √limit]:
    n ← 4x²+y²
    if (n ≤ limit) and (n mod 12 = 1 or n mod 12 = 5):
        is_prime(n) ← ¬is_prime(n)
    n ← 3x²+y²
    if (n ≤ limit) and (n mod 12 = 7):
        is_prime(n) ← ¬is_prime(n)
    n ← 3x²-y²
    if (x > y) and (n ≤ limit) and (n mod 12 = 11):
        is_prime(n) ← ¬is_prime(n)

// eliminate composites by sieving
for n in [5, √limit]:
    if is_prime(n):
        // n is prime, omit multiples of its square; this is
        // sufficient because composites which managed to get
        // on the list cannot be square-free
        is_prime(k) ← false, k ∈ {n², 2n², 3n², ..., limit} 

print 2, 3
for n in [5, limit]:
    if is_prime(n): print n

2 回答 2


In Wikipedia's text description of the algorithm, the "results list" and "sieve list" are two different things. Your Matlab code has just one vector used for both. But the initial value in the sieve list for 5 should be "non-prime".

于 2013-02-15T18:13:06.683 回答


so 5 is flipped from prime to nonprime and never flipped back


于 2013-02-15T18:10:50.540 回答