这是我正在编写的脚本的一部分,用于在使用merge(). 如果两个数据集都有同名的列,merge()则为您提供列column.xcolumn.y.
我编写了一个脚本来将这些数据放在一起并删除不需要的列(这将是column.yand column.x_error,我添加的一个列以在 case 发出警告dat$column.x != dat$column.y)

dat是从做一个dat = merge(data1,data2, by= "ID", all.x=TRUE)

#obtain a list of double columns
dubbelkol = cbind()
sorted = sort(names(dat))
for(i in as.numeric(1:length(names(dat)))) {
    if (grepl(".y", sorted[i+1]) && (sub(".x","",sorted[i])==sub(".y","",sorted[i+1]))){
      dubbelkol = cbind(dubbelkol,sorted[i],sorted[i+1])

#Check data, fill in NA in column.x from column.y if poss
temp = cbind()
for (p in as.numeric(1:(length(dubbelkol)-1))){
    dat[dubbelkol[p]][is.na(dat[dubbelkol[p]])] = dat[dubbelkol[p+1]][is.na(dat[dubbelkol[p]])]
    temp = (dat[dubbelkol[p]] != dat[dubbelkol[p+1]])
    colnames(temp) = (paste(dubbelkol[p],"_error", sep=""))
    dat[colnames(temp)] = temp
#If every value in "column.x_error" is TRUE or NA, delete "column.y" and "column.x_error"
#Rename "column.x" to "column"
#from here until next comment everything works
droplist= c()
for (k in as.numeric(1:length(names(dat)))) {
  if (grepl(".x_error",colnames(dat[k]))) {
    if (all(dat[k]==FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)) {
      droplist = c(droplist,colnames(dat[k]), sub(".x_error",".y",colnames(dat[k])))
#the next line doesnt work, it's supposed to turn the .x column back to "" before the .y     en .y_error columns are dropped.
      colnames(dat[sub(".x_error",".x",colnames(dat[k]))])= paste(sub(".x_error","",colnames(dat[k])))
dat = dat[,!names(dat) %in% droplist]

paste(sub(".x_error","",colnames(dat[k])))会给我"BNR"很好,但colnames(...) = ...不会更改dat.


| ID | BNR   | 
|  1 | 123   | 
|  2 | 234   |
|  3 | NA    | 
|  4 | 456   | 
|  5 | 677   |
|  6 | NA    | 

| ID | BNR   | 
|  1 | 123   | 
|  2 | 234   |
|  3 | 345   | 
|  4 | 456   | 
|  5 | 677   |
|  6 | NA    | 
| ID | BNR.x | BNR.y |BNR.x_error|
|  1 | 123   | NA    |FALSE      |
|  2 | 234   | 234   |FALSE      |
|  3 | NA    | 345   |FALSE      |
|  4 | 456   | 456   |FALSE      |
|  5 | 677   | 677   |FALSE      |
|  6 | NA    | NA    |NA         |

desired output
| ID | BNR   | 
|  1 | 123   |
|  2 | 234   | 
|  3 | 345   | 
|  4 | 456   | 
|  5 | 677   | 
|  6 | NA    | 

1 回答 1





sub("\\.x_error", "\\.x", colnames(dat[k]))] 

如果您想替换实际的.. 你必须逃脱.\\.正则表达式中的 A.表示any character.


sub("x_error", "x", colnames(dat[k]))] 

(或)如果除了 之外别无其他_errorx_error只需:

sub("_error", "", colnames(dat[k]))] 


d1 <- read.table(textConnection("| ID | BNR   | 
|  1 | 123   | 
|  2 | 234   |
|  3 | NA    | 
|  4 | 456   | 
|  5 | 677   |
|  6 | NA    |"), sep = "|", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[,2:3]

d1$BNR <- as.numeric(d1$BNR)

d2 <- read.table(textConnection("|  1 | 123   | 
|  2 | 234   |
|  3 | 345   | 
|  4 | 456   | 
|  5 | 677   |
|  6 | NA    |"), header = FALSE, sep = "|", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[,2:3]

names(d2) <- c("ID", "BNR")
d2$BNR <- as.numeric(d2$BNR)

# > d1
#   ID BNR
# 1  1 123
# 2  2 234
# 3  3  NA
# 4  4 456
# 5  5 677
# 6  6  NA

# > d2
#   ID BNR
# 1  1 123
# 2  2 234
# 3  3 345
# 4  4 456
# 5  5 677
# 6  6  NA

dat <- merge(d1, d2, by="ID", all=T)
> dat

#   ID BNR.x BNR.y
# 1  1   123   123
# 2  2   234   234
# 3  3    NA   345
# 4  4   456   456
# 5  5   677   677
# 6  6    NA    NA

# replace all NA values in x from y
dat$BNR.x <- ifelse(is.na(dat$BNR.x), dat$BNR.y, dat$BNR.x)

# now remove y
dat$BNR.y <- null
于 2013-02-15T12:58:14.750 回答