
<41534546 00010000 00000005 c0010000 00140008 004f0070 0061006c 0074006f 006e0065 00000001 00000024 00080023 00320042 00420034 00300046 00005247 4220* 3e2c acad3f34 b4b53d70 f0f1 *0002 00010000 00240008 00230046 00460035 00420033 00310000 52474220 3f800000 3eb6b6b7 3e44c4c5 00020001 00000024 00080023 00460046 00380037 00340038 00005247 4220* 3f80 00003f07 87883e90 9091 *0002 00010000 00240008 00230030 00330038 00340043 00410000 52474220 3c40c0c1 3f048485 3f4acacb 0002>

如果颜色9BD6AE存在字节块将是3f1b9b9c 3f56d6d7 3f2eaeaf

每个块代表每个颜色分量的浮点值。(红色:0.607843 绿色:0.839216 蓝色:0.682353)



1 回答 1


假设您拥有包含文件内容的 NSData,您可以float使用如下代码将这些值转换为:

NSData *data = ... // contents of the ASE file
const void *bytes = [data bytes];
int offset = ... // offset into the data stream (in bytes)

// assuming offset is pointing to the start of 4 bytes that represent a float value:
float colorComponent = [self floatFromBytes:bytes + offset];

// Helper method to convert bytes to a float
// In ASE file, float values are 4-byte values in big-endian format
- (float)floatFromBytes:(const void *)bytes {
    uint_32_t beVal = *(uint_32_t *)bytes; // data is in big-endian format
    uint_32_t locVal = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(beVal); // data in host format

    float res = *(float *)&locVal; // convert bytes to float

    return res;

这远非完整的 ASE 解析算法。但这显示了如何将 4 字节值转换为float值。您需要处理 ASE 文件格式的许多其他方面。

于 2013-02-14T18:01:07.163 回答