I'm trying to create a dynamic displacement function for bootstrap popovers, so that if the content is too large to be shown on the screen with "bottom" placement without a vertical scroll, it will show the popover upwards with "top" placement.
For this, I created a function:
function popoverPlacement(popoverHeight, element) {
var offset = element.offset().top;
var height = popoverHeight;
var docheight = $(document).height();
if (offset + height >= docheight) {
return "top";
else {
return "bottom"
Unfortunately, I need to specify the popoverHeight as a hardcoded value, since the content is generated for the popover and not added to the DOM, so I cannot obtain the height it will be.
This is how it is used:
placement: function () { return popoverPlacement(270, this.$element); },
title: "Status",
trigger: "click",
content: editStatusContent,
html: true,
delay: {
show: 1,
hide: 1
animation: false
Is there a dynamic way to achieve this?