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#include <stdio.h>
#include <json/json.h>
int main()
/*Declaring the json data's in json format*/
char buf[] = "{ \"Name\": \"xxxxx\", \"Id\": 101, \"Voting_eligible\": true }";
/*Declaring the Json_object.To pass the Json string to the newly created Json_object*/
json_object *new_obj = json_tokener_parse(buf);
/*To get the data's then we have to get to the specific node by using the below function*/
json_object *obj_Name;//Declaring the object to get store the value of the Name
obj_Name = json_object_object_get(new_obj,"Name");//This in-built func used to traverse through specific node
json_object *obj_Id;//Declaring the object to get store the value of the Id
obj_Id = json_object_object_get(new_obj,"Id");//This in-built func used to traverse through specific node
json_object *obj_Vote;//Declaring the object to get store the value of the Vote
obj_Vote = json_object_object_get(new_obj,"Voting_eligible");//This in-built func used to traverse through specific node
/* To store the values we use temp char */
char *Name = json_object_get_string(obj_Name);// This is in-built func to get the string(value) from "json_object_object_get()"
char *Id = json_object_get_string(obj_Id);
char *Vote = json_object_get_string(obj_Vote);
/* we can also use like this statement directly to reduce the pgm size */
// printf("Name : %s\n",json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(new_obj, "Name")));
// printf("Id : %s\n",json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(new_obj, "Id")));
// printf("Voting_eligible : %s\n",json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(new_obj, "Voting_eligible")));
printf("Name : %s\n",Name);
printf("Id : %s\n",Id);
printf("Voting_eligible : %s\n",Vote);
json_object_put(new_obj);// to return the pointer to its originalobjects