这是上一个关于 Excel UseForm 中文本框特定验证的问题的延续。Sorceri在获取此代码方面帮助了我很多,但我现在需要一些微调。我需要在不同的文本框中进行不同的验证。我已经通过“工具箱”中的“控件”构建了文本框。他们按顺序命名;“info1”、“info2”、“info3”等等。

大多数文本框的验证如下所示(“1-5”、“88”和“99”)。但是,其中两个文本框需要进行不同的验证(“1-3”和“88”)。除此之外,还需要为第三组文本框(“0-10”和“88”)设置第三个验证集。总的来说,我对 VBA 和编程还很陌生,但我学得很快。任何帮助将不胜感激。

为了澄清,我在 Sorceri 旁边的括号中添加了我自己的评论。再次感谢大家。

Private Sub cmdEnter_Click()
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
    'check to see if it is a textbox (I'm guessing I could specify which textboxes here, but I'm unsure)
    If TypeOf ctl Is MSForms.TextBox Then
        Dim tBox As MSForms.TextBox
        Set tBox = ctl
        'we have a textbox so validate the entry (Again, I'm hoping to make this into, "We found textbox variant A and so will validate its entry with validation A, etc)
        If validateTextBox(tBox) Then
            'did not validate so set focus on the control
            MsgBox "Invalid Entry!", vbCritical, "Invalid!"
            'release the object
            Set tBox = Nothing
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Set tBox = Nothing
    End If
End Sub

'validate a textbox's value and return true or false
Private Function validateTextBox(tb As MSForms.TextBox) As Boolean
    Dim sValue As String
    Dim bInvalid As Boolean
    bInvalid = True
    sValue = Trim(tb.Text)
    If sValue = "1" Or sValue = "2" Or sValue = "3" Or sValue = "4" Or sValue = "5" Or sValue = "99" Or sValue = "88" Then
        bInvalid = False
    End If
    'return the results
    validateTextBox = bInvalid
End Function

3 回答 3




为简单起见,我假设您将根据验证分组(重新)命名您的文本框。但是,您可以将每个单独的文本框名称放在Case Is =语句中并去掉语句中的Left函数Select Case

我还更改了tb.ValuetoInteger以使 If 语句更易于编写/阅读。


Function validateTextBox(tb As MSForms.TextBox) As Boolean

    Dim iValue As Integer, sName As String, bInvalid As Boolean

    bInvalid = True

    sName = tb.Name
    iValue = CInt(Trim(tb.Text))

    If iValue = 88 Then 'because this is common among all the groups check for it first

        bInvalid = False


        Select Case Left(sName, "4")

            Case Is = "grp1"

                If (iValue > 1 And iValue <= 5) Or iValue = 99 Then bInvalid = False

            Case Is = "grp2"

                If (iValue > 1 And iValue <= 3) Then bInvalid = False

            Case Is = "grp3"

                If (iValue > 1 And iValue <= 10) Then bInvalid = False

        End Select

    End If

    'return the results
    validateTextBox = bInvalid

End Function
于 2013-02-14T17:20:08.160 回答


Function ValidateTextBox(tb As MSForms.TextBox) As Boolean
    Dim sTag, i, arr, arrVal, min, max, v, tbVal, ok As Boolean

    tbVal = Trim(tb.Value)

    If IsNumeric(tbVal) Then

        sTag = Replace(tb.Tag, " ", "") 'remove any spaces from tb Tag

        v = CInt(tbVal) 'convert the textbox value to integer

        If sTag <> "" Then
            arr = Split(sTag, ",")
            For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
                arrVal = Trim(arr(i))
                If InStr(arrVal, "-") > 0 Then
                    'check against a range
                    min = CInt(Split(arrVal, "-")(0))
                    max = CInt(Split(arrVal, "-")(1))
                    If v >= min And v <= max Then
                        ok = True
                        Exit For
                    End If
                   'just a single value to check against
                   If v = CInt(arr(i)) Then
                        ok = True
                        Exit For
                   End If
                End If
            Next i
            MsgBox "No rule for this textbox: " & tb.Name
        End If

    End If

    ValidateTextBox = ok

End Function
于 2013-02-14T17:28:03.040 回答

所以真正的问题是你的文本框元素是如何分组的。需要有某种方法来区分需要验证的三个不同组。最简单的方法可能是将命名约定附加到每个文本框的名称当前名称(除非您可以使用分组控件 IE 框架)。您可以使用 ABC 或任何其他命名方案。在这个例子中,我将使用 ABC。

A 组验证(“1-5”、“88”和“99”)

B 组验证(“1-3”和“88”)


现在在每个文本框的末尾添加一个 A、B 或 C 来区分文本框所属的组。您声明您的文本框元素遵循以下命名方案:“info1”、“info2”、“info3”、



Private Enum ValidationGroup
End Enum


Private Sub cmdEnter_Click()
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
    'check to see if it is a textbox
    If TypeOf ctl Is MSForms.TextBox Then
        Dim tBox As MSForms.TextBox
        Dim tbGroup As ValidationGroup

        Set tBox = ctl
        'we have a textbox so check the group and validate the entry
        'get the group to validate against
        tbGroup = Switch(Right(tBox.Name, 1) = "A", ValidationGroup.A, _
        Right(tBox.Name, 1) = "B", ValidationGroup.B, _
        Right(tBox.Name, 1) = "C", ValidationGroup.C, _
        Right(tBox.Name, 1) <> "*", ValidationGroup.NONE) 'default value of none

        If validateTextBox(tBox, tbGroup ) Then
            'did not validate so set focus on the control
            MsgBox "Invalid Entry!", vbCritical, "Invalid!"
            'release the object
            Set tBox = Nothing
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Set tBox = Nothing 
    End If
End Sub

更改 validateTextBox 以包含枚举


'validate a textbox's value and return true or false
Private Function validateTextBox(tb As MSForms.TextBox, vg As ValidationGroup) As Boolean
    Dim sValue As String
    Dim bInvalid As Boolean
    bInvalid = True
    sValue = Trim(tb.Text)t
    'check the validation group then check the values
    If vg = ValidationGroup.A Then
        If sValue = "1" Or sValue = "2" Or sValue = "3" Or sValue = "4" Or sValue = "5" Or sValue = "99" Or sValue = "88" Then
            bInvalid = False
        End If
    ElseIf vg = ValidationGroup.B Then
        If sValue = "1" Or sValue = "2" Or sValue = "3" Or sValue = "88" Then
            bInvalid = False
        End If
    ElseIf vg = ValidationGroup.C Then
        If sValue = "0" Or sValue = "1" Or sValue = "2" Or sValue = "3" Or sValue = "4" Or sValue = "5" Or _
        sValue = "6" Or sValue = "7" Or sValue = "8" Or sValue = "9" Or sValue = "10" Or sValue = "88" Then
            bInvalid = False
        End If
    End If
    'return the results
    validateTextBox = bInvalid
End Function
于 2013-02-16T03:44:50.127 回答