D3中是否有等效的气泡树实现?在我提供的链接中,气泡树是用 RaphaelJS 和 jQuery 实现的。
3910 次
3 回答
使用https://github.com/okfn/bubbletree/tree/master/build上的资源、您已经知道的信息以及http://d3js.org/上提供的信息以及通过 D3 在 GitHub 上的文档,您应该能够为 D3 变出你自己的泡泡树!
这是我很久以前用来可视化二叉树数据的一段 JavaScript:
var updateVisual;
updateVisual = function() {
var drawTree, out;
drawTree = function(out, node) {
var col, gray, i, line, lineElt, lines, sub, _results, _results1;
if (node.lines) {
out.appendChild(document.createElement("div")).innerHTML = "<b>leaf</b>: " + node.lines.length + " lines, " + Math.round(node.height) + " px";
lines = out.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
lines.style.lineHeight = "6px";
lines.style.marginLeft = "10px";
i = 0;
_results = [];
while (i < node.lines.length) {
line = node.lines[i];
lineElt = lines.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
lineElt.className = "lineblock";
gray = Math.min(line.text.length * 3, 230);
col = gray.toString(16);
if (col.length === 1) col = "0" + col;
lineElt.style.background = "#" + col + col + col;
console.log(line.height, line);
lineElt.style.width = Math.max(Math.round(line.height / 3), 1) + "px";
return _results;
} else {
out.appendChild(document.createElement("div")).innerHTML = "<b>node</b>: " + node.size + " lines, " + Math.round(node.height) + " px";
sub = out.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
sub.style.paddingLeft = "20px";
i = 0;
_results1 = [];
while (i < node.children.length) {
drawTree(sub, node.children[i]);
return _results1;
out = document.getElementById("btree-view");
out.innerHTML = "";
return drawTree(out, editor.getDoc());
于 2013-08-08T10:42:56.923 回答
Here you go. I didn't add the text or decorations, but it's the meat and potatoes:
function bubbleChart(config) {
var aspectRatio = 1,
margin = { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 },
radiusScale = d3.scale.sqrt(),
scan = function(f, data, a) {
a = a === undefined ? 0 : a;
var results = [a];
data.forEach(function(d, i) {
a = f(a, d);
return results;
colorScale = d3.scale.category20(),
result = function(selection) {
selection.each(function(data) {
var outerWidth = $(this).width(),
outerHeight = outerWidth / aspectRatio,
width = outerWidth - margin.left - margin.right,
height = outerHeight - margin.top - margin.bottom,
smallestDimension = Math.min(width, height),
sum = data[1].reduce(function(a, d) {
return a + d[1];
}, 0),
radiusFractions = data[1].map(function(d) {
return Math.sqrt(d[1] / sum);
radiusNormalSum = radiusFractions.reduce(function(a, d) {
return a + d;
}, 0),
scanned = scan(function(a, d) {
return a + d;
}, radiusFractions.map(function(d) {
return d / radiusNormalSum;
}), 0);
radiusScale.domain([0, sum]).range([0, smallestDimension / 6]);
var svg = d3.select(this).selectAll('svg').data([data]),
svgEnter = svg.enter().append('svg');
svg.attr('width', outerWidth).attr('height', outerHeight);
var gEnter = svgEnter.append('g'),
g = svg.select('g').attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ' ' + margin.top + ')'),
circleRing = g.selectAll('circle.ring').data(data[1]),
circleRingEnter = circleRing.enter().append('circle').attr('class', 'ring');
circleRing.attr('cx', function(d, i) {
return smallestDimension / 3 * Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * (scanned[i] + scanned[i + 1]) / 2) + width / 2;
}).attr('cy', function(d, i) {
return smallestDimension / 3 * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * (scanned[i] + scanned[i + 1]) / 2) + height / 2;
}).attr('r', function(d) {
return radiusScale(d[1]);
}).style('fill', function(d) {
return colorScale(d[0]);
var circleMain = g.selectAll('circle#main').data([data[0]]),
circleMainEnter = circleMain.enter().append('circle').attr('id', 'main');
circleMain.attr('cx', width / 2).attr('cy', height / 2).attr('r', radiusScale(sum)).style('fill', function(d) {
return colorScale(d);
result.aspectRatio = function(value) {
if(value === undefined) return aspectRatio;
aspectRatio = value;
return result;
result.margin = function(value) {
if(value === undefined) return margin;
margin = value;
return result;
return result;
var myBubbleChart = bubbleChart().margin({
top: 1,
right: 1,
bottom : 1,
left: 1
var data = ['Random Names, Random Amounts', [['Immanuel', .4], ['Pascal', 42.9], ['Marisa', 3.3], ['Hadumod', 4.5], ['Folker', 3.2], ['Theo', 4.7], ['Barnabas', 1.0], ['Lysann', 11.1], ['Julia', .7], ['Burgis', 28.2]]];
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<div id="here"></div>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.11/d3.min.js"></script>
于 2016-08-09T17:33:09.547 回答
于 2015-05-21T10:31:59.993 回答