I want to display the table in the below format. How can I achieve this?

   12335   |  abcd     |  qwerty
   45335   |  efgh     |  poiuy
   78956   |  hjukukuk |  mkloijhkll
   12346   |  sfsfsf   |  vbhkhadad

EDIT 1: The contents of the table can be of any length. The width of the particular cell has to be decided by the content itself.

I got the column width from

col_width = a.transpose.map{|col| col.map{|cell| cell.to_s.length}.max}

and displayed the table contents with: a.each{|row| puts '['+ row.zip(col_width).map{|cell, w| cell.to_s.ljust(w)}.join(' | ')+']'}

where 'a' contains the data from the database.

I only cannot get to print the column headers.

How i can achieve those so that it can align with the table cell contents.

I need to display the output in the console. I am using OCI for accessing the database.


2 回答 2


我写了一个可以帮助你的gem:http: //github.com/arches/table_print

于 2013-06-17T15:20:52.920 回答

Sequel ORM 可以使用pretty_table扩展来做到这一点。否则HIRB可以使用 ActiveRecord 或从数组/哈希中执行此操作。

我经常使用 Sequel,偶尔需要在控制台上显示表格摘要,所以pretty_table对我来说效果很好。

HIRB 用于 IRB 的irbtools插件中,并为各种事物提供表输出。


于 2013-02-14T15:39:15.970 回答