我 gvim,当我使用光标移动键返回一个字符时,它不会回绕到上一行,而是卡在当前行的开头。是否有任何标志来控制这一点?


1 回答 1


就在这里。详情见:help 'whichwrap'

'whichwrap' 'ww'    string  (Vim default: "b,s", Vi default: "")
            {not in Vi}
    Allow specified keys that move the cursor left/right to move to the
    previous/next line when the cursor is on the first/last character in
    the line.  Concatenate characters to allow this for these keys:
        char   key    mode  ~
         b    <BS>   Normal and Visual
         s    <Space>    Normal and Visual
         h    "h"    Normal and Visual (not recommended)
         l    "l"    Normal and Visual (not recommended)
         <    <Left>     Normal and Visual
         >    <Right>    Normal and Visual
         ~    "~"    Normal
         [    <Left>     Insert and Replace
         ]    <Right>    Insert and Replace
    For example: >
        :set ww=<,>,[,]
于 2013-02-14T11:19:46.737 回答