
我正在建立一个信息显示器;当用户单击缩略图时,会在其下方打开一个框以显示特定于该缩略图的信息(信息来自 XHR,在 jfiddle 中无法正常工作)。打开盒子不是问题 - 我正在尝试正确关闭盒子。


if (box is closed) {
    open box;

if (box for this thumb is open) {
    close box;

if (box for another thumb is open) {
   close other box;
   on complete of close, open new box;




3 回答 3


Haven't you answered your own question? .toggle()

于 2013-02-14T05:20:23.567 回答

在玩了一段时间重建代码后,我找到了解决方案。我认为其中的关键是使用 index() 将单击的按钮识别为接下来需要发生的事情的参考点。


//store for dropdown activity: false=inactive/true=active
var ddopen = false;
//store for last clicked button
var index;

//Create and animate/activate dropdown container
$.fn.ddExpand = function (btnNo) {
    // Identify parents of the button clicked, amd create the animating container
    var btn = $('#'+btnNo);
    btn.parent().after('<div class="box"></div>');

    //load content into container
    $('.box').load('test2.html #content'+btnNo);
    $('.box').show().animate({'height':'300px'}, 1000, function () {
    //Declare dropdown as open/active
    ddopen = true;
    // Store button index for later reference
    index = btnNo;

//Deactivate/close and delete dropdown container
$.fn.ddCollapse = function (btnNo) {
    $('.box').animate({'height':'0px'}, 500, function () {

        //If function parameter IS a number, reactivate dropdown according to new button index / else / Declare dropdown as closed/deactivated
        (btnNo!=false) ? $(this).ddExpand(btnNo) : ddopen = false;


$('.button').on('click', function () {
    //Capture index of button
    var btnNo = $('.button').index(this);
    //Silently add index of button as id attribute to button for later reference. This will also allow for extensibility should more buttons be added.
    $(this).attr('id', btnNo);

    //If dropdown is inactive
    if (ddopen == false) {
        //active dropdown according to button index
    } else { //if dropdown is already active
        //if the button clicked now is different to last button clicked
        if (btnNo != index) {
            //pass new button index on to collapse current dropdown and reactive with new index
        } else { //if button clicked now is the SAME as last button clicked
        // close/deactivate existing dropdown and return to default state

//process close button added to loaded content
$('body').on('click', '.close', function () {
    // close/deactivate existing dropdown and return to default state


<div class="btnCase">
    <div class="button"></div>
<div class="btnCase">
    <div class="button"></div>
<div class="btnCase">
    <div class="button"></div>
<div class="btnCase">
    <div class="button"></div>
<div class="btnCase">
    <div class="button"></div>
于 2013-02-14T17:01:43.500 回答

我过去做过的一种方法是将标记 css 类添加到打开的框中。如果您使用 jQuery animate,您可以轻松地做到这一点,方法是使用完整的回调将类添加到您刚刚打开的元素中。


2) 对所有具有打开类的元素进行 jQuery 搜索,并为它们的关闭设置动画。


这是一个简化的示例,我有多个 div 在单击时会变大和半透明,但一次只能有一个很大,单击已经展开的 div 会将其缩小回正常状态。

$('div').on('click', pop);

function pop(event) {
    var alreadyPopped = false;
    if ($(event.target).hasClass('popped')) {
        alreadyPopped = true;
        height: 50, width: 50, opacity: 1
    }, 1000, "linear", function(e) {

    if (!alreadyPopped) {
        height: 200, width: 200, opacity: 0.5
    }, 1000, "linear", function(e) {

现场演示:http: //jsfiddle.net/ijoukov/zA87j/1/

于 2013-02-14T05:41:42.813 回答