我真的很不擅长理解几乎所有语言中的范围和其他类似性质的东西。现在我正在构建一个快速应用程序,它接受用户输入,然后查询任意 api,然后将其提供给控制台。为了处理其余的 api,我使用了 shred。我知道我可以使用 get 请求中内置的节点,但由于某种原因,我永远无法让它工作。用户向我的应用程序 /query?query= 发出以下获取请求。这就是我现在所拥有的。我无法真正描述我在做什么,所以请阅读代码注释。
var http = require('http');
var Shred = require("shred");
var assert = require("assert");
exports.query = function(req, res){
//thequery is the string that is requested
var thequery = req.query.query;
var shred = new Shred();
console.log("user searched" + " " + thequery);
//The if statement detects if the user searched a url or something else
if (thequery.indexOf("somearbitratyrestapi.com") !== -1){
console.log("a url was searched");
//find info on the url
var thedata = shred.get({
url: "http://somearbitratyrestapi.com/bla/v2" + thequery,
headers: {
Accept: "application/json"
on: {
// You can use response codes as events
200: function(response) {
// Shred will automatically JSON-decode response bodies that have a
// JSON Content-Type
//This is the returned json
//I want to get this json Data outside the scope of this object
// Any other response means something's wrong
response: function(response) {
//I want to be able to see that json over here. How do?
console.log("another thing was searched");
res.render('search-results', {
result: 'you gave me a url',
title: 'you gave me a url'
var http = require('http');
var Shred = require("shred");
var assert = require("assert");
exports.query = function(req, res){
//thequery is the string that is requested
var thequery = req.query.query;
var shred = new Shred();
//I created a variable outside of the object
var myjson;
console.log("user searched" + " " + thequery);
//The if statement detects if the user searched a url or something else
if (thequery.indexOf("somearbitratyrestapi.com") !== -1){
console.log("a url was searched");
//find info on the url
var thedata = shred.get({
url: "http://somearbitratyrestapi.com/bla/v2" + thequery,
headers: {
Accept: "application/json"
on: {
// You can use response codes as events
200: function(response) {
// Shred will automatically JSON-decode response bodies that have a
// JSON Content-Type
//This is the returned json
//I set myjson to the returned json
myjson = response.content.body
// Any other response means something's wrong
response: function(response) {
//Then I try to output the json and get nothing
console.log("another thing was searched");
res.render('search-results', {
result: 'you gave me a url',
title: 'you gave me a url'