My WHMCS installation suddenly stopped working two days ago. I can access the client area, but can't login... after I input the correct details, the browser keeps trying to load a page but no page ever loads. I created a test file and confirmed it an issue with PHP sessions. Seeing as it's probably not the script, since WHMCS is a widely-used and tested software, I'm trying to figure out what possible configurations could cause php sessions to not work. /tmp is writable, and I set the directory specified in php.in, session.save_path = "/var/lib/php/session" to 777 permissions. I read somehwere that the session.save_path folder should NOT be under the user control of root; mine is. What should I set it to? I have no other users. In the gc.compatibility was 1 and I set it to 0, and restarted httpd, but still can't login. Here's the phpinfo:

This is running on the latest Debian distro. Thanks in advance!


5 回答 5


您在使用 Cloudflare 吗?如果是这样,请确保将防火墙设置为 LOW。

或者,转到 WHMCS 设置 > 安全并选中禁用会话 IP 检查。

检查 WHMCS 管理日志后,我注意到我是从 Cloudflare ips 登录的,每次 ip 更改时,我都会注销。

于 2016-05-07T15:43:54.703 回答

您的会话目录 (/var/lib/php/session) 不应设置为 root 用户。它需要设置为运行 Apache 的用户和组(有时是它的 apache,或者没有人)。您可以通过定位 PHPSESSID cookie 值来检查目录是否存在问题,并查看是否在会话目录中创建了文件。您可以尝试向 WHMCS 询问此事,但他们可能会向您收取时间费用。

于 2013-02-14T03:49:44.397 回答


于 2014-03-21T14:39:05.030 回答


于 2021-09-16T10:06:21.390 回答


您可以通过设置会话配置、参数等在此文件中设置可能导致问题的 PHP 配置。

于 2021-03-30T15:58:43.503 回答