对 WCF 来说是全新的。真的可以使用一些帮助。

我有一个 (100) 个对象的列表,其中包含 4 个数据成员。DM1、DM2、DM3、DM4



 <DM1 Value=n> (n could be any number below 5, so there could be up to 5 DC2 inside the List in DC1)

 <DM2 value=n> (n could be any number below 10, so up to 10 DC3 inside the List in DC2)




    <DM1 value = "a">
      <DM2 value = 1>
      <DM2 value = 2>
    <DM1 value = "b">
      <DM2 value = 1>
      <DM2 value = 2>



这是 DataContracts 以及使用 DC1 传递信息的服务合同:

public class DC1
    public string string { get; set; }

    public List<DC2> LDC2{ get; set; }

[DataContract] public class DC2 { [DataMember] public string Type{ get; 放; }

    public List<DC3> DC3s{ get; set; }

[DataContract] public class DC3 { [DataMember] public decimal num { get; 放; }

    public List<DC4> DC4s{ get; set; }

[DataContract] public class DC4 { [DataMember] public int num2 { get; 放; }

    public decimal Val{get; set;}

服务契约:[ServiceContract(Namespace = Constants.Namespace)] public class Service {

    DC1 GetMethod(int num);


是以下对象的 LIST<>:

public class Data
    public string Type { get; set; }
    public double Num { get; set; }
    public double Num2{ get; set; }
    public decimal Val{ get; set; }


此列表中可以有 100 个(或更多)这些对象。最多5种,Num最多10种,Num2最多5种。



1 回答 1


可能有比让 LINQ 完成所有工作更有效的方法。但是,这似乎是一个关于如何将非规范化数据转换为规范化对象的问题,因此 GroupBy 作为一种易于编码的解决方案跳出来了。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;

namespace WcfTestService
    public interface ISoapService
        DC1 GetDC1();

    public class SoapService : ISoapService
        public DC1 GetDC1()
            // Example dataset
            var dataset = new List<Data>()
                new Data() { Type = "a", Num = 1, Num2 = 1, Val = 41.00m },
                new Data() { Type = "a", Num = 2, Num2 = 1, Val = 42.00m },
                new Data() { Type = "a", Num = 2, Num2 = 2, Val = 43.00m },
                new Data() { Type = "b", Num = 1, Num2 = 1, Val = 44.00m },
                new Data() { Type = "b", Num = 2, Num2 = 1, Val = 45.00m },
                new Data() { Type = "b", Num = 2, Num2 = 2, Val = 46.00m },

            // Process dataset into data contract objects
            return new DC1()
                DC2s = dataset.GroupBy(x => x.Type).Select(typeGrouping => new DC2()
                    DM1 = typeGrouping.Key,
                    DC3s = typeGrouping.GroupBy(x => x.Num).Select(numGrouping => new DC3()
                        DM2 = Convert.ToDecimal(numGrouping.Key),
                        DC4s = numGrouping.Select(x => new DC4()
                            DM3 = Convert.ToInt32(x.Num2),
                            DM4 = x.Val
                        }).OrderBy(x => x.DM3).ToList()
                    }).OrderBy(x => x.DM2).ToList()
                }).OrderBy(x => x.DM1).ToList()

    public class Data
        public string Type { get; set; }
        public double Num { get; set; }
        public double Num2 { get; set; }
        public decimal Val { get; set; }

    public class DC1
        public List<DC2> DC2s { get; set; }

    public class DC2
        public string DM1 { get; set; }
        public List<DC3> DC3s { get; set; }

    public class DC3
        public decimal DM2 { get; set; }
        public List<DC4> DC4s { get; set; }

    public class DC4
        public int DM3 { get; set; }
        public decimal DM4 { get; set; }

GetDC1() 的输出应该非常接近您的示例输出,但都是 WCF'ified。

于 2013-02-14T02:52:43.700 回答