所以我正在为我的工作做一个小项目,我需要拍摄两张图像,一张是细胞核,一张是高尔基体,并用两个质心作为端点的箭头将它们连接起来。一段时间以来,我一直在绞尽脑汁,这是我插件的 java 源代码。显然它有一些错误,而且我对 java 和 imagej 都是新手,所以请多多包涵......提前谢谢......
我应该说结果窗口在一堆图像的两个单独列中显示 x 坐标和 y 坐标,其中一个是大约 1000 个蓝色核和 500 个红色高尔基体,最后一列是堆栈中的位置。
import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import ij.plugin.*;
import ij.plugin.filter.*;
import ij.measure.*;
public class CentroidFinder_ implements PlugInFilter {
protected ImageStack cellstack;
ImagePlus[] cellImages = cellstack.getImageArray();
ImagePlus arrowImage = arrowImage.createImage("ArrayFile", 1600,1200,1);
ResultsTable rt = Analyzer.getResultsTable();
public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) {
cellstack = imp.getStack();
this.imp = imp;
public void run(ImageProcessor ip)
int[] blueCentroidsX = {};
int[] blueCentroidsY = {};
int[] redCentroidsX = {};
int[] redCentroidsY = {};
int xColumnIndex = rt.getColumnHeading("X");
int yColumnIndex = rt.getColumnHeading("Y");
int sliceNumberIndex = rt.getColumnHeading("Slice");
float[] sliceCategoryPerRow = (rt.getColumn(sliceNumberIndex));
for (int counter = 0; counter < sliceCategoryPerRow.Length; counter++)
if (sliceCategoryPerRow[counter] == 1)
blueCentroidsX[counter] = (int)(rt.getValueAsDouble(xColumnIndex, counter)); //This might be a source of error
blueCentroidsY[counter] = (int)(rt.getValue(yColumnIndex, counter));
if (sliceCategoryPerRow[counter] == 2)
redCentroidsX[counter] = (int)rt.getValue(xColumnIndex, counter); //This might be a source of error
redCentroidsY[counter] = (int)rt.getValue(yColumnIndex, counter);
if ((blueCentroidsX.length + redCentroidsX.length) =! sliceCategoryPerRow.length)
error ("Error Message", "Something is wrong with the columns");
boolean blueIsBigger = true;
if (blueCentroidsX.length < redCentroids.length)
blueIsBigger = false;
int[][] startingArrow = {};
int[][] endingArrow = {};
int[][] tempDistance = {};
int counterTag;
float[] distanceList = {};
for (int j = 0; j < redCentroidsX.length; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < blueCentroidsX.length; k++)
tempDistance = distance (redCentroidsX[j], redCentroidsY[j],
blueCentroidsX[k], blueCentroidsY[k]);
if (throwAwayDistance (tempDistance))
distanceList = distanceList.addAll({tempDistance, k});
if (distanceList.length == 0)
counterTag = 0;
for (int l = 1; l < distanceList.length; l++)
if ((distanceList[l][0] < distanceList[l-1][0]))
counterTag = distanceList[l][1];
startingArrow = startingArrow.addAll(({(int)blueCentroidsX[counterTag],
endingArrow = add(endingArrow, {(int)redCentroidsX[j], int()redCentroidsY[j]});
if ((startingArrow.length != endingArrow.length)
error ("Error Message", "Something has caused there not to be equal coordinates");
for (int m = 0; m < startingArrow.length; m++)
for (int n = 0; n <endingArrow.length; n++)
drawArrow (imp, startingArrow[m][0], startingArrow[m][0],
endingArrow[n][0], endingArrow[n][1], 1)
public void drawArrow(ImageProcessor ip, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, double size)
double dx = x2-x1;
double dy = y2-y1;
double ra = java.lang.Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
dx /= ra;
dy /= ra;
int x3 = (int)Math.round(x2-dx*size);
int y3 = (int)Math.round(y2-dy*size);
double r = 0.3*size;
int x4 = (int)Math.round(x3+dy*r);
int y4 = (int)Math.round(y3-dx*r);
int x5 = (int)Math.round(x3-dy*r);
int y5 = (int)Math.round(y3+dx*r);
ip.moveTo(x1, y1); ip.lineTo(x2, y2);
ip.moveTo(x4,y4); ip.lineTo(x2,y2); ip.lineTo(x5,y5);
//Mathematical Functions:
public boolean throwAwayDistance (float distance)
if (distance >= 25.0)
return true;
else return false;
public float distance (x1,y1,x2,y2)
int length;
return length = (((x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2)^(.5));
Thank you all for all your help!