我正在使用 jQuery 显示/隐藏恰好包含 iframe 的 div。它仅适用于标准的“显示”和“隐藏”方法。

所以现在我想从 jQuery UI ( http://jqueryui.com/effect/ ) 中添加一些效果,但突然我的 iframe 每次显示/隐藏时都会重新加载。

这是一个要演示的小提琴:http: //jsfiddle.net/BnZzk/1/ 这是代码,因为 SO 迫使我添加它:

div {
    height: 200px
span {
    display: block;
    padding-bottom: 10px;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    border-bottom: 1px solid black;

    <iframe src="http://www.wikipedia.org/"></iframe>
<input type="button" value="Go"/>
<div id="msgs"></div>

$(function () {

var container = $('div'),
    ifrm = $('iframe'),
    msgs = $('#msgs')
    delay = 10; //change me to adjust delay in seconds between actions

$('input').on('click', normal);
log('First let the iframe load and then clear your network console -- click the "Go" button to get started.');

function log (msg) {
    msgs.append('<span>' + msg + '</span>');

function normal () {

        hide(400, function () {

            log('That was a standard hide with no effect -- is your network console still empty? OK we\'ll pause for ' + delay + ' seconds and then do a standard show.');

                delay(delay * 1000).
                show(400, function () {
                    log('That was a show with no effect -- is you network console *still* empty? Great! Let\'s try some effects.');
                    log('------------------------<br/>' +
                    '-- Begin Effects --<br/>' +

        }); //hide

} //normal

function withEffect () {

    log('We\'ll pause for another ' + delay + ' seconds -- get ready to watch your network console.');

        delay(delay * 1000).
        hide('fold', {mode:'hide'}, 400, function () {

            log('That was a hide with effect -- is your network console flooded? Mine too :-( We\'ll wait ' + delay + ' seconds while you clear your console again.');

                delay(delay * 1000).
                show('fold', {mode:'show'}, 400, function () {
                    log('That was a show with effect -- is your network console flooded again? Bummer ...');

        }); //hide

} //withEffect


知道如何保持精美效果但不刷新 iframe 的内容吗?


2 回答 2


发生这种情况是因为这种效果重新组织了 DOM,在 IFRAME 周围放置了一个 DIV 包装器,因此当 IFRAME “重新附加”时,重新加载就会发生!您可以使用 Google Chrome 元素检查器查看此行为。

要解决此问题,我建议您在 IFRAME 的父 DIV 中应用效果,但不要使用effect插件。查看http://api.jquery.com/animate/,操作宽度和高度样式属性。

于 2013-02-13T23:08:18.010 回答

正如@Jamillo Santos 的回答,“重新附加”iFrame 的问题。

如果您正在使用对话框小部件或其扩展的 jQueryUI 并希望防止这种情况,只需重新定义小部件实现的_moveToTop()函数,如下所示。

_moveToTop: function() {
    return null;
于 2013-02-14T04:15:48.057 回答