
I'm trying to insert some information I'm taking from a different website using method crawl.

The number are shown as : 1.658.056 or 12.423.589 with two dots, so i need to add this field and i cant with that double dots.

This is the table where i save the information:

Create table IF NOT EXISTS LJugador(
Fecha date,
vm float(10,6),
nom_jugador varchar(80),
FOREIGN KEY (nom_jugador) REFERENCES Jugadores(nombre),
PRIMARY KEY(Fecha, nom_jugador)

I save the information inside of my field vm - float(10,6).

For example if I put 1.230.000 in database is saved as: 1.230000, but when I try to add this amount with another for example 160.000 its give me a result of 161.620000 so I don't know how to make it, and is back me crazy, seriously.


1 回答 1


FLOAT(10,6)产生类似的结果:IIII.FFFFFF- 其中IF都是整数。

显然,解决方案是在插入记录之前删除本地化的点 - 这很简单。

于 2013-02-13T22:46:16.467 回答