我要做的是使用 FPDF 创建和发送多个 PDF 文件。我已经完成了通过电子邮件发送单个文件的所有工作,但是当我尝试将所有内容都放入一个循环中时,脚本最终只输出 PDF 的第一个实例,然后退出到空白屏幕。当我只处理一条记录时,它运行得很好,但是当你添加多条时,它只运行一次。我真的不知道该怎么做是我的代码。任何帮助或指导表示赞赏。
while ($data = mysql_fetch_row($query)) // under normal circumstances working properly
$clientid = $data['0'];
require("generatepdf.php"); //styles the pdf and is working properly
$savepath = 'c:/ledgers/'.$cname.' Cash Ledger.pdf';
require("ledgeremail.php"); //runs query to get email address and emails the outputted file
这是我的 pdf 生成代码的要点,省略了生成的细节。
$pdf = new FPDF( );
//Run Query to get Ledger information for the $clientid variable
//Pass information from query into the different variables throughout script
//Print Document Title
$pdf->Cell(0,10,$cname.' Petty Cash Ledger', 0,1,'L');
//Print First Month Grouping
$pdf->Cell(10,5,$startmonth.", ".$startyear, 0,0,'L');
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Balance Forward: $'.$balforward, 0,1,'R');
//print group headers
$pdf->Cell(105,5,'Description', 0,0,'L');
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Deposit', 0,0,'R');
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Withdrawl', 0,0,'R');
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Balance', 0,1,'R');
while($ledger = mysql_fetch_row($ledgerqry))
if ($grey == 1) $pdf->SetFillColor(225);
$currentmonth = date('F',strtotime($data[0]));
if ($currentmonth != $startmonth)
$grey = 0;
$currentyear = date('Y',strtotime($data[0]));
//Print Month End Balance
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Ending Balance: '.$runningbal, 0,1,'R',1);
//Print Month Grouping
$pdf->Cell(10,10,$currentmonth.", ".$currentyear, 0,0,'L');
$pdf->Cell(20,10,"Balance Forward: ".$runningbal, 0,1,'R');
//print group headers
$pdf->Cell(105,5,'Description', 0,0,'L');
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Deposit', 0,0,'R');
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Withdrawl', 0,0,'R');
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Balance', 0,1,'R');
$startmonth = $currentmonth;
//Create line Variables
$tdate = date('m/d/Y',strtotime($ledger[0]));
$tdescription = $ledger[2];
if($ledger[3]==0) $tdeposit = ""; else $tdeposit = "$".number_format($ledger[3], 2, '.', ',');
if($ledger[4]==0) $twithdrawl = ""; else $twithdrawl = "($".-1*number_format($ledger[4], 2, '.', ',').")";
$runningbal = "$".number_format($balforward + $ledger[5], 2, '.', ',');
$pdf->Cell(30,7,$tdate, 0,0,'L',1);
$pdf->Cell(105,7,$tdescription, 0,0,'L',1);
$pdf->Cell(20,7,$tdeposit, 0,0,'R',1);
$pdf->Cell(20,7,$twithdrawl, 0,0,'R',1);
$pdf->Cell(20,7,$runningbal, 0,1,'R',1);
if ($grey == 1)
$grey = 0;
else $grey = 1;
//Create Final balance
$pdf->Cell(20,5,'Ending Balance: '.$runningbal, 0,1,'R',1);