我正在尝试使用 vb.net 自动化 Windows 窗体应用程序。我没有想要自动化的程序的源代码。

使用 Spy++,到目前为止,我一直在使用按钮的句柄,并且一直在单击按钮而没有问题。但是,我偶然发现了工具条按钮的问题,我一直在努力解决它。这些按钮是隐藏的或不可见的(从我读过的内容来看),它们没有出现在 spy++ 中,所以它们似乎没有句柄;因此,我不能使用按钮的句柄来单击它,因为它不存在。




2 回答 2


我自己解决了这个问题!!!我很高兴……哈哈。我没有尝试自动热键,但我找到的解决方案是一个很好的解决方案,或者至少我认为它是。这里提供了一个很好的解释...... http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163288.aspx

无论如何,解决方案是 vb.net 有一个“UI 自动化”库/参考,您可以将其添加到您的项目中。我在网上看到它提到过几次,但不知道如何导入它(对不起,我是 vb.net/coding newby)。无论如何,您将“UI 自动化”引用添加到您的项目,然后将其导入。然后,您可以使用该库来查找屏幕上的所有控件。这包括工具条中的所有按钮。


为了运行代码,您需要知道按钮的索引和工具条的索引。如果您进入调试模式,您可以手动增加索引并检查 controlName 直到出现正确的按钮。在下面的示例中,我必须找到父元素(窗口),然后是子元素(工具条),然后是子元素(工具条下的所有按钮)。

Imports system.windows.automation
Imports system.eventargs

'RoutedEvenArgs has to exist as a class so I declare it here...

Public class RoutedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs

end class

'my form code is all under one class - I'll probably break it up better
' but at the moment this is how it is

Public Class form1

Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

'click the button of hte automation front end and 
' call the findtreeviewdescendants procedure


End Sub

Private Sub FindTreeViewDescendants()

'define the desktop as the rootelement as everywindow is a child of this element

Dim aedesktop As AutomationElement = AutomationElement.RootElement

'create an automationelementcollection variable to store the buttons

Dim aebuttons As AutomationElementCollection

'find the screen using the screen title 

aeform = aedesktop.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children, New PropertyCondition _
(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "Single Stock View"))

'find all the child controls (this brings back all controls including the toolstrip)

aebuttons = aeform.FindAll(TreeScope.Children, New PropertyCondition _(AutomationElement.IsControlElementProperty, True))

'create an automationelement to store the button and get information out of it

Dim a As AutomationElement

'each button, in the collection, has an index (incidentally the index number corresponds with the order in  which the window loads each of the elements into the window), in this case the toolstrip is index 1 as it's in the header of the screen

a = aebuttons.Item(1)

'get the child elements of the toolstrip element (something interesting is that in this case there were 19 elements but when you use findwindowex you only get back 4)

aebuttons = a.FindAll(TreeScope.Children, New PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.IsControlElementProperty, True))

'again use the index of the button to pull back the element information

a = aebuttons.Item(11)

'create a stringbuilder to store information about the element

Dim elementInfoCompile = New StringBuilder()

'identify the controlname, which in my case is the tooltip tag of the button (thus solving the problem of how I can find a button with an image instead of text in it)

Dim controlName As String
If (a.Current.Name = "") Then
controlName = "Unnamed control"
controlName = a.Current.Name
End If

'identify the autoidname - which in all cases seemed to be null - I've no idea why but this didn't matter anyway

Dim autoIdName As String

If (a.Current.AutomationId = "") Then
autoIdName = "No AutomationID"
autoIdName = a.Current.AutomationId
End If

'invoke a click of the button


End Sub 'FindTreeViewDescendants

'the rest is self-explanatory....

Private Sub InvokeControl(ByVal targetControl As AutomationElement)
Dim invokePattern As InvokePattern = Nothing

invokePattern = _
DirectCast(targetControl.GetCurrentPattern(invokePattern.Pattern),  _
Catch e As ElementNotEnabledException
' Object is not enabled. 
Catch e As InvalidOperationException
' Object doesn't support the InvokePattern control pattern 
End Try


End Sub 'InvokeControl

End Class
于 2013-02-14T16:52:31.457 回答


(在 VB 中)

Private Sub btnSomeButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
                                ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                Handles btnSomeButton.Click
End Sub


于 2013-02-13T15:58:45.357 回答