I'm developing an Android app and I would like to support multiple screens.
I checked the dashboard in the link below and there are 10 types of screen configuration in use: http://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/index.html#Screens
I got the dimension of the screens from the link below: http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html#testing
and then I created the following emulators to test my app on:
- large_ldpi_2.3_800x480_120
- large_mdpi_2.3_800x480_160
- large_xhdpi_2.3_800x480_320
- normal_hdpi_2.3_800x480_240
- normal_ldpi_2.3_400x240_120
- normal_mpdi_2.3_480x320_160
- normal_xhdpi_2.3_960x640_320
- small_hdpi_2.3_640x480_240
- small_ldpi_2.3_320x240_120
- xlarge_mdpi_2.3_1280x800_160
<size>_<density>_<android version>_<size>_<density>
Am I doing this right? What is the best practice?