我只是需要一点帮助来完成这项任务。我必须重新定义运算符才能使用字符串。我从 == 运算符开始,并在我的头文件中声明了它,但是当我在我的 cpp 文件中定义函数时,它说它与声明的函数不兼容。这可能是一个愚蠢的错误,我有时只是不明白这一点。
string.h 头文件
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#define NOT_FOUND -1
// C++ String class that encapsulates an ASCII C-string
class String
// Default constructor
// MUST HAVE: Copy-constructor that performs deep copy
String(const String& source);
// Init-constructor to initialize this String with a C-string
String(const char* text);
// Init constructor, allocates this String to hold the size characters
String(int size);
// Destructor
bool& compareTo(const String& cmp1);
// Assignment operator to perform deep copy
String& operator = (const String& source);
// Assignment operator to assign a C-string to this String
String& operator = (const char* text);
// Returns a reference to a single character from this String
char& operator [] (int index) const;
// Comparison operators
bool operator == (const String& compareTo) const;
字符串.cpp 文件
#include "string.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
// Default constructor
Text = NULL;
// MUST HAVE: Copy-constructor that performs deep copy
String::String(const String& source)
Text = NULL;
// Call the assignment operator to perform deep copy
*this = source;
// Init-constructor to initialize this String with a C-string
String::String(const char* text)
Text = NULL;
// Call the assignment operator to perform deep copy
*this = text;
// Init constructor, allocates this String to hold the size characters
String::String(int size)
Text = new char[size];
// Destructor
delete[] Text;
// Assignment operator to perform deep copy
String& String::operator = (const String& source)
// Call the other assigment operator to perform deep copy
*this = source.Text;
return *this;
// Assignment operator to assign a C-string to this String
String& String::operator = (const char* text)
// Ddispose of old Text
delete[] Text;
// +1 accounts for NULL-terminator
int trueLength = GetLength(text) + 1;
// Dynamically allocate characters on heap
Text = new char[trueLength];
// Copy all characters from source to Text; +1 accounts for NULL-terminator
for ( int i = 0; i < trueLength; i++ )
Text[i] = text[i];
return *this;
***bool& String::operator ==(string cmp2)***