这里没有游标,但这仍然是使用递归 CTE 对行进行循环以确定哪些行应该组合在一起。临时表#T
将行相互连接的表。它可以在没有临时表的情况下完成,但出于性能原因,最好使用临时表而不是使用另一个 CTE 作为递归 CTE 的源。
在最后的查询中,我使用for xml path
. 这意味着C
第二次使用 CTE,因此将执行两次。您可能还想将该 CTE 转换为临时表以避免这种情况。
MS SQL Server 2008 架构设置:
create table YourTable
GUID varchar(4),
No varchar(2),
sDateTime datetime,
eDateTime datetime,
Name varchar(1)
insert into YourTable values
('0000', '01', '2013-02-02 08:00:00', '2013-02-02 08:40:00', 'A'),
('0000', '02', '2013-02-02 08:45:00', '2013-02-02 09:45:00', 'A'),
('0000', '03', '2013-02-02 11:30:00', '2013-02-02 12:00:00', 'A'),
('0000', '04', '2013-02-02 09:55:00', '2013-02-02 11:00:00', 'A'),
('0000', '05', '2013-02-02 11:05:00', '2013-02-02 12:30:00', 'B');
查询 1:
create table #T
ID int,
GUID varchar(4),
No varchar(2),
sDateTime datetime,
eDateTime datetime,
Name varchar(1),
primary key(ID, GUID, Name)
insert into #T(ID, GUID, No, sDateTime, eDateTime, Name)
select row_number() over(partition by GUID, Name order by sDateTime),
GUID, No, sDateTime, eDateTime, Name
from YourTable;
with C as
select T.ID, T.GUID, T.No, T.sDateTime, T.eDateTime, T.Name, 1 as Grp
from #T as T
where T.ID = 1
union all
select T.ID, T.GUID, T.No, T.sDateTime, T.eDateTime, T.Name,
C.Grp + case when datediff(minute, C.eDateTime, T.sDateTime) > 10
then 1
else 0
from #T as T
inner join C
on T.ID = C.ID + 1 and
T.Name = C.Name and
select C.GUID,
select ','+C2.No
from C as C2
where C.GUID = C2.GUID and
C.Name = C2.Name and
C.Grp = C2.Grp
order by C2.No
for xml path(''), type
).value('substring(text()[1], 2)', 'varchar(max)') as No,
min(C.sDateTime) as sDateTime,
max(C.eDateTime) as eDateTime,
from C
group by C.GUID, C.Name, C.Grp
drop table #T;
| 0000 | 01,02,04 | February, 02 2013 08:00:00+0000 | February, 02 2013 11:00:00+0000 | A |
| 0000 | 03 | February, 02 2013 11:30:00+0000 | February, 02 2013 12:00:00+0000 | A |
| 0000 | 05 | February, 02 2013 11:05:00+0000 | February, 02 2013 12:30:00+0000 | B |
只是为了好玩,一个 SQL Server 2012 版本。
with CMinDiff as
select GUID, No, sDateTime, eDateTime, Name,
case when datediff(minute,
coalesce(lag(eDateTime) over(partition by GUID, Name
order by eDateTime),
sDateTime) <= 10
then 0
else 1
end as MinDiff
from YourTable
), CSumMinDiff as
select GUID, No, sDateTime, eDateTime, Name,
sum(MinDiff) over(partition by GUID, Name
order by sDateTime
rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as Grp
from CMinDiff
select C.GUID,
select ','+C2.No
from CSumMinDiff as C2
where C.GUID = C2.GUID and
C.Name = C2.Name and
C.Grp = C2.Grp
order by C2.No
for xml path(''), type
).value('substring(text()[1], 2)', 'varchar(max)') as No,
min(C.sDateTime) as sDateTime,
max(C.eDateTime) as eDateTime,
from CSumMinDiff as C
group by C.GUID, C.Name, C.Grp