The coordinates of the center point (cx,cy) of a line segment between points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) are:
cx = (x1 + x2) / 2
cy = (y1 + y2) / 2
In other words it's just the average, or arithmetic mean, of the two pairs of x and y coordinate values.
For a multi-segmented line, or polyline, its logical center point's x and y coordinates are just the corresponding average of x and y values of all the points. An average is just the sum of the values divided by the number of them.
The general formulas to rotate a 2D point (x,y) θ radians around the origin (0,0) are:
x′ = x * cos(θ) - y * sin(θ)
y′ = x * sin(θ) + y * cos(θ)
To perform a rotation about a different center (cx, cy), the x and y values of the point need to be adjusted by first subtracting the coordinate of the desired center of rotation from the point's coordinate, which has the effect of moving (known in geometry as translating) it is expressed mathematically like this:
tx = x - cx
ty = y - cy
then rotating this intermediate point by the angle desired, and finally adding the x and y values of the point of rotation back to the x and y of each coordinate. In geometric terms, it's the following sequence of operations: Tʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛᴇ ─► Rᴏᴛᴀᴛᴇ ─► Uɴᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛᴇ.
This concept can be extended to allow rotating a whole polyline about any arbitrary point—such as its own logical center—by just applying the math described to each point of each line segment within it.
To simplify implementation of this computation, the numerical result of all three sets of calculations can be combined and expressed with a pair of mathematical formulas which perform them all simultaneously. So a new point (x′,y′) can be obtained by rotating an existing point (x,y), θ radians around the point (cx, cy) by using:
x′ = ( (x - cx) * cos(θ) + (y - cy) * sin(θ) ) + cx
y′ = ( -(x - cx) * sin(θ) + (y - cy) * cos(θ) ) + cy
Incorporating this mathematical/geometrical concept into your function produces the following:
from math import sin, cos, radians
def rotate_lines(self, deg=-90):
""" Rotate self.polylines the given angle about their centers. """
theta = radians(deg) # Convert angle from degrees to radians
cosang, sinang = cos(theta), sin(theta)
for pl in self.polylines:
# Find logical center (avg x and avg y) of entire polyline
n = len(pl.lines)*2 # Total number of points in polyline
cx = sum(sum(line.get_xdata()) for line in pl.lines) / n
cy = sum(sum(line.get_ydata()) for line in pl.lines) / n
for line in pl.lines:
# Retrieve vertices of the line
x1, x2 = line.get_xdata()
y1, y2 = line.get_ydata()
# Rotate each around whole polyline's center point
tx1, ty1 = x1-cx, y1-cy
p1x = ( tx1*cosang + ty1*sinang) + cx
p1y = (-tx1*sinang + ty1*cosang) + cy
tx2, ty2 = x2-cx, y2-cy
p2x = ( tx2*cosang + ty2*sinang) + cx
p2y = (-tx2*sinang + ty2*cosang) + cy
# Replace vertices with updated values
pl.set_line(line, [p1x, p2x], [p1y, p2y])