我需要计算字符串中的字母,按计数和cout结果对它们进行排序。为此,我正在尝试使用vectorand struct。这是我的代码的一部分,但它不起作用,因为我不知道如何实现某些东西:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

struct int_pair{
     int key;
     int value;

bool sort_by_value(int_pair left, int_pair right){
    return left.value < right.value;

int main() {    
    string characters = "aasa asdfs dfh f ukjyhkh k wse f sdf sdfsdf";    
    vector<int_pair> most_frequent;     

    for (string::size_type i = 0; i <= characters.length(); i++) {
        int int_char = (int)characters[i];
        most_frequent[int_char]++; <-- I want to do something like this, but it's not working 

    sort(most_frequent.begin(), most_frequent.end(), sort_by_value);

    for (vector<int_pair>::iterator it = most_frequent.begin(); it != most_frequent.end(); ++it) <-- is this call correct?
        cout << " " << it->key << ":" << it->value << endl;    

    return 0;

在这段代码中,我有 2 个部分我不知道如何处理:

most_frequent[int_char]++; <-- I want to do something like this, but it's not working 

for (vector<int_pair>::iterator it = most_frequent.begin(); it != most_frequent.end(); ++it) <-- is this call correct?



4 回答 4


我会使用 std::map 来确定每个字母的频率,然后将其复制到多重映射中,同时反转键和值以使它们按顺序排列。

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>

template<class T, class U>
std::pair<U,T> flip_pair(const std::pair<T,U>& p) {
  return std::make_pair(p.second,p.first);

int main(){
  std::string characters = "zxcvopqiuweriuzxchajksdui";
  std::map<char,int> freq;
  std::multimap<int,char> rev_freq;

  // Calculate the frequency of each letter.
  for(char c: characters){

  // Copy the results into a multimap with the key and value flipped 
  std::transform(std::begin(freq), std::end(freq), 
                 std::inserter(rev_freq, rev_freq.begin()), 

  // Print out the results in order.
  for(std::pair<int,char> p : rev_freq){
    std::cout << p.first << ": " << p.second << std::endl;
于 2013-02-12T19:48:54.347 回答


most_frequent[int_char].key = int_char;


于 2013-02-12T19:23:05.987 回答


所以你不需要你的struct,因为你只需要 value 字段并且可以直接在向量中存储出现的次数。

这个想法是在开始时用 256 个整数填充向量,全部初始化为零。然后,使用向量索引作为“键”(字符代码)来访问元素(出现次数)。


// initialize with 256 entries, one for each character:
vector<int> counts(256);

for (string::size_type i = 0; i <= characters.length(); i++) {
    // for each occurrence of a character, increase the value in the vector:
    int int_char = (int)characters[i];


vector<int>::iterator most_frequent =
        std::max_element(counts.begin(), counts.end());

// getting the character (index within the container, "key"):
std::cout << (char)(most_frequent - counts.begin());

// the number of occurrences ("value"):
std::cout << (*most_frequent);

这是您的更改示例(仅打印最常见的字符,这里是空格,所以您看不到它):http: //ideone.com/94GfZz


multimap<int,int> keyForOccurrence;
for (vector<int>::iterator i = counts.begin(); i != counts.end(); ++i) {
    int occurrences = *i;
    int character = i - counts.begin();
    keyForOccurrence.insert(std::pair<int,int>(occurrences, character));

更新代码:http: //ideone.com/Ub5rnL


于 2013-02-12T19:21:14.593 回答

我发现使用std::map容器来存储每个字符的出现更自然。字符是地图的,它的出现次数是地图的。很容易扫描源字符串并使用 构建此映射std::map::operator[],并++增加出现次数。

然后,您可以从上面的映射构建第二个映射,键和值反转:所以这个映射将按出现次数排序,然后您可以打印第二个映射。请注意,您必须使用 astd::multimap作为第二个映射,因为它的键(即出现次数)可以重复。

示例代码如下(我用 VS2010 SP1/VC10 测试过):

#include <stddef.h>     // for size_t
#include <algorithm>    // for std::transform
#include <functional>   // for std::greater
#include <iostream>     // for std::cout
#include <iterator>     // for std::inserter
#include <map>          // for std::map, std::multimap
#include <ostream>      // for std::endl
#include <string>       // for std::string
#include <utility>      // for std::pair
using namespace std;

int main() 
    string str = "aasa asdfs dfh f ukjyhkh k wse f sdf sdfsdf";    

    // Build the occurrences map (char -> occurrences)
    map<char, size_t> freq;     
    for (size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i)
        freq[ str[i] ]++;

    // Build a new map from previous map with inverted <key, value> pairs,
    // so this new map will be sorted by old map's value (i.e. char's
    // occurrences), which is new map's key. 
    // Use the std::greater comparator to sort in descending order.
    multimap<size_t, char, greater<size_t>> sorted_freq; 
        freq.begin(), freq.end(),                       // source 
        inserter(sorted_freq, sorted_freq.begin()),     // destination
        [](const pair<char, size_t>& p)                 // invert key<->value
            return pair<size_t, char>(p.second, p.first); 

    // Print results    
    for (auto it = sorted_freq.begin(); it != sorted_freq.end(); ++it)
        cout << it->second << ": " << it->first << endl;


 : 9
s: 7
f: 7
d: 5
a: 4
k: 3
h: 3
u: 1
w: 1
y: 1
j: 1
e: 1


请注意,使用std::map/std::multimap也将比std::vector使用非 ASCII 字符更好地扩展,例如,如果您使用 Unicode UTF-32(因为 Unicode 字符远不止 256 个)。

于 2013-02-12T20:00:19.083 回答