这不能回答您的问题,但是我很无聊并编写了一个您可能会发现更有启发性的实现——只需使用 Visual Studio 或 MonoDevelop 中的调试器逐步完成它。
let rec private rleRec encoded lastChar count charList =
match charList with
| [] ->
// No more chars left to process, but we need to
// append the current run before returning.
let encoded' = (count, lastChar) :: encoded
// Reverse the encoded list so it's in the correct
// order, then return it.
List.rev encoded'
| currentChar :: charList' ->
// Does the current character match the
// last character to be processed?
if currentChar = lastChar then
// Just increment the count and recurse.
rleRec encoded currentChar (count + 1) charList'
// The current character is not the same as the last.
// Append the character and run-length for the previous
// character to the 'encoded' list, then start a new run
// with the current character.
rleRec ((count, lastChar) :: encoded) currentChar 1 charList'
let rle charList =
// If the list is empty, just return an empty list
match charList with
| [] -> []
| hd :: tl ->
// Call the implementation of the RLE algorithm.
// The initial run starts with the first character in the list.
rleRec [] hd 1 tl
let rleOfString (str : string) =
rle (List.ofSeq str)
let rec printRle encoded =
match encoded with
| [] ->
printfn ""
| (length, c) :: tl ->
printf "%i%O" length c
printRle tl
let printRleOfString = rleOfString >> printRle
将代码粘贴到 F# 交互式中并使用 Wikipedia 示例进行运行长度编码:
val it : unit = ()