我们有生成随机临时密码的业务需求。根据用例,此类呼叫的数量预计会非常低(约 400 个呼叫/天)。java.security.SecureRandom
根据 Internet 上的各种建议,并在阅读了许多关于 SO 的类似帖子后,我们决定使用来实现加密强随机化。
Web 应用程序中的一个。但是,我们也希望定期重新播种它,再次按照关于 SO 的建议。为此,下面是一些实现相同目的的示例代码。有人可以查看它并让我们知道这是否是正确且合理有效的方法吗?另外,有没有办法避免synchronization
import java.security.*;
public final class Randomizer {
private static final Randomizer INSTANCE = new Randomizer();
private static final String DEFAULT_CSPRNG_ALGO = "SHA1PRNG";
private volatile SecureRandom sr;
private volatile long lastSeedTime;
public static final Randomizer getInstance() throws Exception {
return INSTANCE;
public int nextInt(int len) throws RuntimeException {
return sr.nextInt(len);
private Randomizer() throws RuntimeException {
try {
System.out.printf("%s Constructing Randomizer...%n", Thread.currentThread());
lastSeedTime = System.nanoTime();
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* TODO Is there a way to avoid the synchronization overhead here? We really
* only need to synchronize when the reseed happens.
* @throws RuntimeException
private synchronized void reseedRandomAsNeeded() throws RuntimeException {
if (isItTimeToReseed()) {
// TODO Need to do a reseed. Just get a new SecureRandom for now.
try {
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private boolean isItTimeToReseed() {
boolean reseed = false;
long currentTime = System.nanoTime();
long difference = ((currentTime - this.lastSeedTime) / (1000 * 1000 * 1000)/* *60 * 60 * 24*/);
// System.out.printf("%s Current time: %d, Last Reseed Time: %d, difference: %d%n",
// Thread.currentThread(), currentTime, lastSeedTime, difference);
// TODO For testing, test for just a 3 seconds difference.
if (difference > 3) {
reseed = true;
this.lastSeedTime = currentTime;
return reseed;
private void recreateSecureRandomInstance() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
sr = SecureRandom.getInstance(DEFAULT_CSPRNG_ALGO);
System.out.printf("%s Created a new SecureRandom instance: %s%n", Thread.currentThread(), sr);