假设我有几个从 MyAbstractClass 扩展的类,每个类都包含它们自己的属性,这些属性在 MyAbstractClass 中不存在。我如何从其中一个类中获取属性值?
Method GetPropertyValue(myAbstractClass As MyAbstractClass) As %String
Set myPropertyValue = myAbstractClass.GetType().GetProperty("MyProperty").GetValue();
Quit myPropertyValue
Method GetPropertyValue(argBusinessObject As BusinessObject)
// get class name.
set className = argBusinessObject.%PackageName()_"."_argBusinessObject.%ClassName()
set dictionary = ##class(%Dictionary.ClassDefinition).%OpenId(className)
if (dictionary '= "")
for index=1:1:dictionary.Properties.Count()
#dim clsPropDef As %Dictionary.PropertyDefinition
// Get the property name from the class
set clsPropDef = dictionary.Properties.GetAt(index)
if (..PropertyName = clsPropDef.Name) {
// we have the property
// Set the propName so that it gets included
// now what?