I am surveying JavaScript charting solutions for building interactive dashboards. The dashboard is going to have 15 charts, each with 6 lines, and each line has ~5000 points (15 * 6 * 5000 = 450,000). And a new point will be appended (and an old point be removed) to each line about every 3 secs. In addition, I want interactive box zooming and tooltips.

Is this possible without intervalizing(downsampling) the source data? Can anyone recommend JavaScript solutions to try?

I came across Flotr2, Rickshaw, jqChart, HighCharts, I am wondering if people can share first hand experience for such use case.

In case this is not a realistic goal, what would the closest performance be with today's technology?


1 回答 1



jqChart 利用 HTML5 Canvas 提供跨浏览器的高性能客户端图表和图形..

折线图的渲染速度针对处理大量数据进行了优化。此折线图示例显示 2 个系列,每个系列有 60,000 个点。

免责声明:我是 jqChart 的 CTO。

于 2013-02-12T17:05:39.480 回答