My requirement is to change the ProductName in the application manifest file. I did the solution mentioned here, but for me, the product name still doesn't change. In the log, I can see that the GenerateApplicationManifest task is not getting executed. The log says:

Skipping target "GenerateApplicationManifest" because all output files are up-to-date with respect to the input files.

But I want this task to run, so that the product name is changed. This is the code.

<DeployEXE>The application .exe file</DeployEXE>
<DeployManifest>The .exe.manifest file</DeployManifest>
<AppManifest>The .application file</AppManifest>

Line 1: <Exec Command="$(Msbuild) $(ClientAppProject) /t:Clean;Publish /p:BootstrapperEnabled=true;UpdateRequired=true;MinimumRequiredVersion=$(Version);UpdateEnabled=true;UpdateMode=Foreground;UpdateInterval=7;UpdateIntervalUnits=Days;UpdatePeriodically=false;PublishDir=$(PublishDir);ApplicationVersion=$(Version);PublisherName=&quot;$(PublisherName)&quot;;ProductName=&quot;$(ClickOnceAppTitle)&quot;;PublishUrl=$(ClickOnceUrl);GenerateManifests=true;Install=true;Configuration=Release;Platform=AnyCPU"/>

Line 2: <Exec Command="$(SN) -R $(DeployEXE) $(SNKFile)"/>

Line 3: <Exec Command="$(MAGE) -UPDATE $(DeployManifest) -CertFile $(CertFile) -Password $(Password) -pub &quot;$(PublisherName)&quot; -UseManifestForTrust t" />

Line 4: <Exec Command="$(MAGE) -UPDATE $(AppManifest) -AppManifest $(DeployManifest) -CertFile $(CertFile) -Password $(Password) -pub &quot;$(PublisherName)&quot; -UseManifestForTrust t"/>

Line 5: <GenerateApplicationManifest

After Line 1, I can see the correct publisher & product names set in the .application & .exe.manifet files (eg: PublisherName is set to MyCompany, ProductName is set to My Company Software). After Line 4 is executed, the publisher name stays correct, but the product name is then replaced with the assembly name (eg: ProductName changes to My.Company.Software). For correcting this, I've added Line 5, which ideally should have corrected the ProductName, but it doesn't happen.

What could be the problem here? Why is this task ignored by MSBUILD?


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