我认为您提出了一些非常好的问题,这些问题突出了 SWF 作为一项服务的帮助。简而言之,您不会告诉您的服务器在它们之间协调工作。在 SWF 服务的帮助下,您的决策者会为您安排这一切。
- 向服务注册您的工作流程及其活动(一次性)。
- 实施决策者和工人。
- 让您的工人和决策者运行。
- 开始一个新的工作流程。
有多种方法可以将凭据输入 boto.swf 的代码。出于本练习的目的,我建议在运行以下代码之前将它们导出到环境中:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your access key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your secret key>
1) 要注册域、工作流和活动,请执行以下操作:
# ab_setup.py
import boto.swf.layer2 as swf
DOMAIN = 'stackoverflow'
ACTIVITY1 = 'ServerAActivity'
ACTIVITY2 = 'ServerBActivity'
VERSION = '1.0'
swf.ActivityType(domain=DOMAIN, name=ACTIVITY1, version=VERSION, task_list='a_tasks').register()
swf.ActivityType(domain=DOMAIN, name=ACTIVITY2, version=VERSION, task_list='b_tasks').register()
swf.WorkflowType(domain=DOMAIN, name='MyWorkflow', version=VERSION, task_list='default_tasks').register()
2) 实施和运行决策者和工作者。
# ab_decider.py
import time
import boto.swf.layer2 as swf
DOMAIN = 'stackoverflow'
ACTIVITY1 = 'ServerAActivity'
ACTIVITY2 = 'ServerBActivity'
VERSION = '1.0'
class ABDecider(swf.Decider):
domain = DOMAIN
task_list = 'default_tasks'
version = VERSION
def run(self):
history = self.poll()
# Print history to familiarize yourself with its format.
print history
if 'events' in history:
# Get a list of non-decision events to see what event came in last.
workflow_events = [e for e in history['events']
if not e['eventType'].startswith('Decision')]
decisions = swf.Layer1Decisions()
# Record latest non-decision event.
last_event = workflow_events[-1]
last_event_type = last_event['eventType']
if last_event_type == 'WorkflowExecutionStarted':
# At the start, get the worker to fetch the first assignment.
decisions.schedule_activity_task('%s-%i' % (ACTIVITY1, time.time()),
ACTIVITY1, VERSION, task_list='a_tasks')
elif last_event_type == 'ActivityTaskCompleted':
# Take decision based on the name of activity that has just completed.
# 1) Get activity's event id.
last_event_attrs = last_event['activityTaskCompletedEventAttributes']
completed_activity_id = last_event_attrs['scheduledEventId'] - 1
# 2) Extract its name.
activity_data = history['events'][completed_activity_id]
activity_attrs = activity_data['activityTaskScheduledEventAttributes']
activity_name = activity_attrs['activityType']['name']
# 3) Optionally, get the result from the activity.
result = last_event['activityTaskCompletedEventAttributes'].get('result')
# Take the decision.
if activity_name == ACTIVITY1:
# Completed ACTIVITY1 just came in. Kick off ACTIVITY2.
decisions.schedule_activity_task('%s-%i' % (ACTIVITY2, time.time()),
ACTIVITY2, VERSION, task_list='b_tasks', input=result)
elif activity_name == ACTIVITY2:
# Server B completed activity. We're done.
return True
# ab_worker.py
import os
import time
import boto.swf.layer2 as swf
DOMAIN = 'stackoverflow'
ACTIVITY1 = 'ServerAActivity'
ACTIVITY2 = 'ServerBActivity'
VERSION = '1.0'
class MyBaseWorker(swf.ActivityWorker):
domain = DOMAIN
version = VERSION
task_list = None
def run(self):
activity_task = self.poll()
print activity_task
if 'activityId' in activity_task:
# Get input.
# Get the method for the requested activity.
except Exception, error:
raise error
return True
def activity(self, activity_input):
raise NotImplementedError
class WorkerA(MyBaseWorker):
task_list = 'a_tasks'
def activity(self, activity_input):
result = str(time.time())
print 'worker a reporting time: %s' % result
class WorkerB(MyBaseWorker):
task_list = 'b_tasks'
def activity(self, activity_input):
result = str(os.getpid())
print 'worker b returning pid: %s' % result
$ python -i ab_decider.py
>>> while ABDecider().run(): pass
然后工人 A,您可以从服务器 A 执行此操作:
$ python -i ab_workers.py
>>> while WorkerA().run(): pass
然后是工人 B,可能来自服务器 B,但如果你从笔记本电脑上运行它们,它也能正常工作:
$ python -i ab_workers.py
>>> while WorkerB().run(): pass
4) 最后,启动工作流程。
$ python
Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 16 2010, 13:57:41)
[GCC 4.4.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import boto.swf.layer2 as swf
>>> workflows = swf.Domain(name='stackoverflow').workflows()
>>> workflows
[<WorkflowType 'MyWorkflow-1.0' at 0xdeb1d0>]
>>> execution = workflows[0].start(task_list='default_tasks')
您现在可以转到 AWS 管理控制台的 SWF 面板,查看执行情况并查看其历史记录。或者,您可以通过命令行查询它。
>>> execution.history()
[{'eventId': 1, 'eventType': 'WorkflowExecutionStarted',
'workflowExecutionStartedEventAttributes': {'taskList': {'name': 'default_tasks'},
'parentInitiatedEventId': 0, 'taskStartToCloseTimeout': '300', 'childPolicy':
'TERMINATE', 'executionStartToCloseTimeout': '3600', 'workflowType': {'version':
'1.0', 'name': 'MyWorkflow'}}, 'eventTimestamp': 1361132267.5810001}, {'eventId': 2,
'eventType': 'DecisionTaskScheduled', 'decisionTaskScheduledEventAttributes':
{'startToCloseTimeout': '300', 'taskList': {'name': ...