在 下System.Windows.Controls
但是,我似乎找不到一个 native FileDialog
34859 次
4 回答
WPF 确实有内置的(虽然不是本机的)文件对话框。具体来说,它们位于稍微意外的Microsoft.Win32
命名空间中(尽管仍然是 WPF 的一部分)。请特别参阅OpenFileDialog
但是请注意,正如父命名空间所暗示的那样,这些类只是 Win32 功能的包装器。然而,这确实意味着您不需要执行任何 WinForms 或 Win32 互操作,这使得它更易于使用。不幸的是,对话框在“旧”Windows 主题中的默认样式,你需要一个小技巧app.manifest
于 2009-09-27T00:42:18.567 回答
您可以创建一个简单的附加属性来将此功能添加到 TextBox。打开文件对话框可以这样使用:
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
<TextBox i:OpenFileDialogEx.Filter="Excel documents (.xls)|*.xls" Grid.Column="0" />
<Button Grid.Column="1">Browse</Button>
OpenFileDialogEx 的代码:
public class OpenFileDialogEx
public static readonly DependencyProperty FilterProperty =
typeof (string),
typeof (OpenFileDialogEx),
new PropertyMetadata("All documents (.*)|*.*", (d, e) => AttachFileDialog((TextBox) d, e)));
public static string GetFilter(UIElement element)
return (string)element.GetValue(FilterProperty);
public static void SetFilter(UIElement element, string value)
element.SetValue(FilterProperty, value);
private static void AttachFileDialog(TextBox textBox, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
var parent = (Panel) textBox.Parent;
parent.Loaded += delegate {
var button = (Button) parent.Children.Cast<object>().FirstOrDefault(x => x is Button);
var filter = (string) args.NewValue;
button.Click += (s, e) => {
var dlg = new OpenFileDialog();
dlg.Filter = filter;
var result = dlg.ShowDialog();
if (result == true)
textBox.Text = dlg.FileName;
于 2012-05-10T09:02:54.513 回答
我使用了 Gregor S. 提出的解决方案,它运行良好,虽然我必须将其转换为 VB.NET 解决方案,如果它对任何人有帮助,这是我的转换......
Imports System
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Public Class OpenFileDialogEx
Public Shared ReadOnly FilterProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Filter", GetType(String), GetType(OpenFileDialogEx), New PropertyMetadata("All documents (.*)|*.*", Sub(d, e) AttachFileDialog(DirectCast(d, TextBox), e)))
Public Shared Function GetFilter(element As UIElement) As String
Return DirectCast(element.GetValue(FilterProperty), String)
End Function
Public Shared Sub SetFilter(element As UIElement, value As String)
element.SetValue(FilterProperty, value)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub AttachFileDialog(textBox As TextBox, args As DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
Dim parent = DirectCast(textBox.Parent, Panel)
AddHandler parent.Loaded, Sub()
Dim button = DirectCast(parent.Children.Cast(Of Object)().FirstOrDefault(Function(x) TypeOf x Is Button), Button)
Dim filter = DirectCast(args.NewValue, String)
AddHandler button.Click, Sub(s, e)
Dim dlg = New OpenFileDialog()
dlg.Filter = filter
Dim result = dlg.ShowDialog()
If result = True Then
textBox.Text = dlg.FileName
End If
End Sub
End Sub
End Sub
End Class
于 2013-05-01T16:41:30.310 回答
感谢 Gregor S 提供了一个简洁的解决方案。
然而,在 Visual Studio 2010 中,设计器似乎崩溃了——所以我调整了 OpenFileDialogEx 类中的代码。XAML 代码保持不变:
public class OpenFileDialogEx
public static readonly DependencyProperty FilterProperty =
new PropertyMetadata("All documents (.*)|*.*", (d, e) => AttachFileDialog((TextBox)d, e))
public static string GetFilter(UIElement element)
return (string)element.GetValue(FilterProperty);
public static void SetFilter(UIElement element, string value)
element.SetValue(FilterProperty, value);
private static void AttachFileDialog(TextBox textBox, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
var textBoxParent = textBox.Parent as Panel;
if (textBoxParent == null)
Debug.Print("Failed to attach File Dialog Launching Button Click Handler to Textbox parent panel!");
textBoxParent.Loaded += delegate
var button = textBoxParent.Children.Cast<object>().FirstOrDefault(x => x is Button) as Button;
if (button == null)
var filter = (string)args.NewValue;
button.Click += (s, e) =>
var dlg = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = filter };
var result = dlg.ShowDialog();
if (result == true)
textBox.Text = dlg.FileName;
于 2014-03-18T17:14:54.173 回答