我正在尝试使用牛顿插值多项式来计算以下数组的有限除法,以确定 x=8 处的 y。数组是

x = 0  1  2  5.5  11  13  16  18

y=  0.5  3.134  5.9  9.9  10.2  9.35  7.2  6.2


我也相信这是如何在 matlab http://imgur.com/gallery/L9wJaEH/new中执行程序。我只是不知道如何在python中做到这一点。


4 回答 4



def _poly_newton_coefficient(x, y):
    x: list or np array contanining x data points
    y: list or np array contanining y data points

    m = len(x)

    x = np.copy(x)
    a = np.copy(y)
    for k in range(1, m):
        a[k:m] = (a[k:m] - a[k - 1])/(x[k:m] - x[k - 1])

    return a

def newton_polynomial(x_data, y_data, x):
    x_data: data points at x
    y_data: data points at y
    x: evaluation point(s)
    a = _poly_newton_coefficient(x_data, y_data)
    n = len(x_data) - 1  # Degree of polynomial
    p = a[n]

    for k in range(1, n + 1):
        p = a[n - k] + (x - x_data[n - k])*p

    return p
于 2018-03-29T04:19:30.477 回答


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def coef(x, y):
    '''x : array of data points
       y : array of f(x)  '''
    n = len(x)
    a = []
    for i in range(n):

    for j in range(1, n):

        for i in range(n-1, j-1, -1):
            a[i] = float(a[i]-a[i-1])/float(x[i]-x[i-j])

    return np.array(a) # return an array of coefficient

def Eval(a, x, r):

     ''' a : array returned by function coef()
        x : array of data points
        r : the node to interpolate at  '''

    n = len( a ) - 1
    temp = a[n] + (r - x[n])
    for i in range( n - 1, -1, -1 ):
        temp = temp * ( r - x[i] ) + a[i]
    return temp # return the y_value interpolation
于 2014-11-28T14:04:08.093 回答


## Newton Divided Difference Polynomial Interpolation Method

import numpy as np

y=np.array([0.5,  3.134,  5.9,  9.9,  10.2,  9.35,  7.2,  6.2],float)
p=np.zeros([n,n+1])#creating a Tree table (n x n+1 array)
value =float(input("Enter the point at which you want to calculate the value of the polynomial: "))
# first two columns of the table are filled with x and y data points
for i in range(n):


## algorithm for tree table from column 2 two n+1        
for i in range(2,n+1): #column
  for j in range(n+1-i):# defines row
    p[j,i]=(p[j+1,i-1]-p[j,i-1])/(x[j+i-1]-x[j])#Tree Table
np.set_printoptions(suppress=True)## this suppress the scientific symbol(e) and returns values in normal digits

# print(p) ## can check the complete Tree table here for NDDP
b=p[0][1:]#This vector contains the unknown coefficients in the polynomial which are the top elements of each column. 
print("b= ",b)
print("x= ",x)
lst=[] # list where we will append the values of prouct terms

for i in range(len(x)):
    t*=(value-x[i]) ##(x-x0), (x-x0)(x-x1), (x-x0)(x-x1)(x-x2) etc..
print("The list of product elements ",lst,end = ' ')
## creating a general function
for k in range(1,len(b)):
  f+=b[k]*lst[k-1] ## important**[k-1]** not k because in list we use one step earlier element. For example for b1 we have to use (x-x0), for b2, we use (x-x0)(x-x1) for b3 we use (x-x0)(x-x1)(x2)
print("The value of polynomial: ","%.3f"%f)
于 2020-02-09T08:38:33.280 回答

@Ledruid 提出的解决方案是最优的。它不需要二维数组。划分差异树在某种程度上类似于 2D 数组。一种更原始​​的方法(可以从中获得@Leudruid 的算法)是考虑一个“矩阵 $F_{ij}$ 对应于树的节点。这样算法就可以了。

import numpy as np
from numpy import *

def coeficiente(x,y) :
    ''' x: absisas x_i 
        y : ordenadas f(x_i)'''

    n = len(x)
    F = zeros((n,n), dtype=float)
    b = zeros(n) 
    for i in range(0,n):

    for j in range(1, n):
        for i in range(j,n):
            F[i,j] = float(F[i,j-1]-F[i-1,j-1])/float(x[i]-x[i-j])

    for i in range(0,n):
        b[i] = F[i,i]

    return np.array(b) # return an array of coefficient

def Eval(a, x, r):

    '''  a : retorno de la funcion coeficiente() 
         x : abcisas x_i
         r : abcisa a interpolar

    n = len( a ) - 1
    temp = a[n]
    for i in range( n - 1, -1, -1 ):
        temp = temp * ( r - x[i] ) + a[i]
    return temp # return the y_value interpolation
于 2017-09-10T21:40:51.170 回答