好的,所以我有一个使用 php 基于 mySQL 表构建表的页面:
$page .='<form method="POST" action="processing.php">';
$page .= "<table> \n";
$page .= "<tr>\n";
$page .= "<th>ID</th> \n <th>First Name</th> \n <th>Last Name</th> \n <th>PhoneNumber</th> \n <th>Email</th> \n";
//Loops through each contact, displaying information in a table according to login status
$sql2="SELECT cID, firstName, lastName, phoneNum, email FROM Contact WHERE oID=".$_GET['orgID'];
$result2=mysql_query($sql2, $connection) or die($sql1);
while($row2 = mysql_fetch_object($result2))
$page .= "<tr>\n";
$page .= "<td>".$row2->cID."</td>\n";
$page .= "<td>".$row2->firstName."</td>\n";
$page .= "<td>".$row2->lastName."</td>\n";
$page .= "<td>".$row2->phoneNum."</td>\n";
$page .= "<td>".$row2->email."</td>\n";
//Will only display these buttons if logged in
$page .= '<td><input type="checkbox" name="checkedItem[]" value="'.$row2->cID.'"></input></td>'."\n";
$page .= "<td>".makeLink("addEditContact.php?cID=".$row2->cID, "Edit")."</td>\n";
$page .="</tr>";
$page .= "</table>";
//Two buttons sending to processing.php to decide what to do with selected values from there
$page .= '<input name="addToContacts" type="submit" value="Add Selected Contacts To Contact List" />'."\n" ;
$page .= '<input name="deleteContacts" type="submit" value="Delete Selected Contacts" />'."\n";
$page .= "</form>\n";
因此,基于复选框,我可以选择将联系人添加到另一个表,或从该表中删除联系人,方法是首先将此表单的信息发送到 processing.php 页面,该页面决定单击哪个按钮并重定向到正确的 php 脚本:
//Because addToContacts and deleteContacts take in GET instead of POST for convinience, it needs to take all of checkItems and implode it
$joinedString= implode(',',$var);
//Since there are two buttons in orgDetail, it checks for which was pushed and sends it to the correct page
header('Location: addToContacts.php?cID='.$joinedString);
else if($_POST['deleteContacts'])
header('Location: deleteContacts.php?cID='.$joinedString);
//Error for not selecting any items
$page .= makeP("You have not checked off any items. Please click ".makeLink( $currentPage, "here")." to return to previous page");
而且因为我现在只对删除联系人案例感兴趣。这是 deleteContacts.php
foreach($explodedString as $eString)
$sql1="DELETE FROM Contact WHERE cID='".$eString."'";
mysql_query($sql1, $connection) or die($sql1);
header('Location: '. $currentPage);
所以从这里开始变得复杂。当我希望页面同步工作时,这很好用。它在 php 脚本周围反弹,一切都很好。如果我想使用 jquery 直接从 tables.php 中删除怎么办。所以我的意思是,它将运行 mysql 查询以从实际数据库中删除条目,并且在它更新 table.php 中的表视图以反映该更改之后;全部异步完成?
(请忽略所有 sql 查询都不是转义字符串的事实,我意识到这一点,我将不得不稍后修复)