
我在 VB2010 中工作,我想我可以在代码中创建一个按钮数组;但是,我很难单独引用创建的按钮来编码它们的点击事件,以便它们在运行时工作。

任何帮助将不胜感激。我对 vb programmimg 还很陌生,所以请放轻松!


2 回答 2



' However many buttons you want
Dim numButtons As Integer = 5
Dim ButtonArray(numButtons) as Button
Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each b As Button in ButtonArray
   b = new button
   AddHandler b.Click, AddressOf Me.ButtonsClick
   b.Tag = "b" & i
   ' You can also set things like button text in here.
   i += 1

Private Sub ButtonsClick(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)
    ' sender is the button that has been clicked. You can
    ' do what you'd like with it, including cast it as a Button.
    Dim currButton As Button = CType (sender, Button)
    Select Case currButton.Tag
        Case "b0":
          ' This is the first button in the array. Do things!
        Case "b1":
          ' This is the second button in the array. Do things!
        Case "b2":
          ' Notice a pattern?


    End Select
End Sub
于 2013-02-11T21:57:24.900 回答

在其中一个按钮单击事件上插入类似 , button2.click 的内容,它将执行相同的操作。

或者您可能需要查看 addHandler .....

于 2013-02-11T21:57:07.160 回答