我创建了一组需要转换为 json 的类 (pojos)。因为我有 json 字段名称遵循某种格式的约束,所以我选择 gson 作为我的选择库,因为它允许对字段名称进行注释。
所以,我有 json 字段名称,如asset_type
等。除此之外,任何元数据字段都必须具有格式 , metadata:<metadata-field-name>
所以,这归结为 mymetadata:tags
annotations 不会被 gson 转换,因为它们不是有效的 json 字段名称,至少根据 gson。
"name": "Test Remote Asset",
"description": "test-remote-asset",
"asset_type": "remote_asset",
"duration": 172360,
"stream_urls": {
"flash": "http://www.test-site.com/videos/a-video.flv",
"iphone": "http://www.test-site.com/videos/a-video.3gp",
"ipad": "http://www.test-site.com/videos/a-video.3gp",
"source_file": "http://www.test-site.com/videos/a-video.mp4"
"metadata:tags": "tag1,tag2,tag3",
"metadata:site": "test-site"
这是我尝试将我的类转换为 json 时遇到的异常:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: metadata:tags is not a valid JSON field name.
public class RemoteAsset {
/** The video's name **/
private String name;
/** The video's description **/
private String description;
/** The video asset type **/
private String assetType;
/** The video's duration, in milliseconds **/
private long duration;
/** The video's thumbnail preview URL **/
private String previewImageUrl;
/** The video's OpenCms Structure ID **/
private String externalId;
/** The video's various streaming URLs **/
private StreamUrls streamUrls;
/** The video's tags, coma-separated **/
private String metadataTags;
/** The video's host site **/
private String metadataSite;
public String getMetadataTags() {
return metadataTags;
public void setMetadataTags(String metadata_tags) {
this.metadataTags = metadata_tags;
public String getMetadataSite() {
return metadataSite;
public void setMetadataSite(String metadata_site) {
this.metadataSite = metadata_site;
public RemoteAsset() {
this.streamUrls = null;
this.assetType = null;
this.previewImageUrl = "";
this.metadataSite = "";
this.metadataTags = "";
this.externalId = "";
this.description = "";
this.duration = 0L;
this.name = "";
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
public String getDescription() {
return this.description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
public String getAssetType() {
return this.assetType;
public void setAssetType(ASSET_TYPE asset_type) {
this.assetType = asset_type.getTypeName();
public long getDuration() {
return this.duration;
public void setDuration(long duration) {
this.duration = duration;
public String getPreviewImageUrl() {
return this.previewImageUrl;
public void setPreviewImageUrl(String preview_image_url) {
this.previewImageUrl = preview_image_url;
public String getExternalId() {
return this.externalId;
public void setExternalId(String external_id) {
this.externalId = external_id;
public StreamUrls getStreamUrls() {
return this.streamUrls;
public void setStreamUrls(StreamUrls stream_urls) {
this.streamUrls = stream_urls;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("RemoteAsset [name=").append(this.name)
.append(", description=").append(this.description)
.append(", assetType=").append(this.assetType)
.append(", duration=").append(this.duration)
.append(", previewImageUrl=").append(this.previewImageUrl)
.append(", externalId=").append(this.externalId)
.append(", streamUrls=").append(this.streamUrls).append("]");
return builder.toString();