我可以在日历行的当前月份的第一周显示上个月的结束日期。但我需要在锚标记中包含一个查询字符串,该字符串与当前的 $print_date 相呼应。这些是我已经尝试过但没有成功的不同方法。日期格式为“YYYY-MD”
while ( $start_point > 0 )
// Returns what day of the week 'w' (numeric 0-6), using the date function.
$day_of_week = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
// To get the last Sunday of the previous month use:
$sun_prev_month = date('d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, (1 - $day_of_week), $year));
// Fills the dates, starting on Sunday for the end of previous month
$print_date = $sun_prev_month;
for ($i = 0; $i < $day_of_week; ++$i)
//echo '<td class="shade"><a href="/~seeleyja/CSCI-2910/calendar4.php?date=' . $year . '-' . ($month-1) . '-' . $print_date . '">'. $print_date . '</a></td>';
<td><a href="/~seeleyja/CSCI-2910/calendar4.php?<?=htmlspecialchars($prev_month);?>"> $print_date </a></td>;
//echo '<td class="shade"><a href="/~seeleyja/CSCI-2910/calendar4.php?date=$prev_month">'. $print_date . '</a></td>';
//echo '<td class="shade"><a href="/~seeleyja/CSCI-2910/calendar4.php?date=' . $year . '-' . ($month-1) . '-' . $print_date . '">'. $print_date . '</a></td>';