我想在 mint 中更改我的桌面图像 :) 我想向桌面添加类似 conky 的东西,但我不知道 LUA 语言 :( 是否可以用 C/C++ 语言编写它?(例如我想连接使用预报服务器下载一些带有我的天气的 png 等:)



2 回答 2


Lua 非常容易学习,与 C/C++ 相比绝对容易得多。我建议您查看《Lua 编程》一书并学习基础知识。如果你真的想使用 C,你总是可以从 Lua 调用 C 函数并在那里做真正的工作。书中也有解释;-)

于 2014-11-22T10:29:25.537 回答

I'm not sure that conky supports C/C++. But you can find many sample conky/lua scripts on google. It's not hard to find something close to what your looking for in appearance and in features, and simply modify the conky and lua scripts manually through trial and error. Its really quite easy to decipher. You can also check the conky man page for info: http://conky.sourceforge.net/docs.html

于 2013-09-30T01:33:43.083 回答