
I am interested in returning an int[][] via passing non-null parameters of single and dual ArrayLists to a class method, such as:

//outer loop
ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> rowsInMatrixA;
//inner loop
ArrayList<Integer>  colsInMatrixA;

using only native Java. I have searched high and low here, in Java API, Java tutorials, and many other places. All ideas and suggestions welcome.

EDIT: here's what I've tried:

   public static  int[][] convertIntegers(ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> rows, ArrayList<Integer>   cols)
    int[][] newMatrix = new int[rowsInMatrixA.size()][colsInMatrixB.size()];
    //iterate outer, through rows 
    for (int i=0; i < newMatrix.length; i++)
        //iterate inner, through columns
        for(int j = 0; j < newMatrix[0].length; j++){

            newMatrix[i][j] = rows.get(i).get(j);
    return newMatrix;

it still doesn't work: I get an IndexOutOfBoundsException on this line when I compile and try to get a printout in main:

    newMatrix[i][j] = rows.get(i).get(j);

How can this be resolved? I would appreciate any help. Thanks.


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于 2013-02-11T08:47:48.317 回答


于 2013-02-11T08:34:28.297 回答