如何让 Intellij Idea 显示编译警告的答案?不再适用于版本 12。据我所知,不再有消息面板。

如何查看版本 12 中项目中所有警告的完整列表?


1 回答 1


This option and the Messages panel is on the same place as before in IDEA 12.0.3:


If you don't see it, it means that your project has no errors. Make any error and the panel will appear. Verify that Hide warnings is not enabled. Fix the error, Make the project again, you should see only warnings:


Note that Make is incremental, if there were no changes, it will not compile and report any old warnings, so you may need to Rebuild to see all of them.

于 2013-02-11T01:18:30.887 回答