有没有办法通过网络完全控制终端。例如,我有一个用 C 编写的服务器和客户端,我想向服务器(在这种情况下服务器是一台 linux 计算机)发送一个类似rm file或的命令并将终端输出返回给客户端。cd directory我目前正在使用lsusingpopen()但它无法更改目录或执行其他复杂命令。有没有更好的方法来做到这一点,也许使用fork() pipe()和其他功能来使用任何命令并从终端获取完整输出。


3 回答 3


What you ask for is done by SSH.

For example, I have a server and client written in C, I want to send a command like rm file or cd directory to the server (server in this case is a linux computer) and get the terminal output back to the client.

I strongly discourage to implement such a functionality yourself. The odds are high, that your own approach will have several security issues.

SSH is the de-facto standard for remote terminals, has strong encryption, real world tested authentication and strong maintenance support. Also there are excellent open source implementations, like OpenSSH.

于 2013-02-10T20:52:36.317 回答

Not sure what your exact set-up is, but why not just fork off a shell on the remote side? You can then do anything that can be done from the commandline.

If a real, interactive connection is an option, look into pty's ("pseudo-ttys"). It's how real terminal applications work.

于 2013-02-10T20:53:52.393 回答



然后,只需运行您喜欢的 shell 命令,例如bash,您就可以将命令写入输入流并读取每个命令的输出。

请注意,这cd不是程序;它是一个 shell 命令,所以你必须运行一个 shell 才能让它有任何意义。重定向和您似乎想要做的其他复杂性也是如此。

PS:请注意,这可能是一个严重的安全问题,您应该认真考虑已经制作的替代方案,例如 ssh,正如其他人所说。

于 2013-02-10T20:57:56.243 回答