I'm trying to build the fruit ninja type swipe to some of my buttons in Flash CS6 and ActionScript3.

In trying to figure it out this is what I have come up with:
get the coordinates of where the user first put his finger mouse down,
then where we lifted it
see if your button touches any of those coordinates (if yes, execute that button code)
run some kind of animation between the first two coordinates (mouse down, mouse up points)

am I on the right track?

Also, has anyone already done this so that I can look at their code?



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使用物理库 Box2d查看伟大的Emanuele Feronato关于该主题的系列:

(我找不到第 3 部分,但我认为我们在那里没有遗漏任何太重要的东西)。希望这可以帮助!

于 2013-02-11T12:32:07.603 回答