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我是 HTML 的新手。我正在使用<marquee>标签。
例如,一个示例 html 代码:
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="1">Pace-slow</marquee>
<!-- Scroll Amount --> <marquee scrollamount="50"> This is a marquee with scrollamount 50 </marquee> <marquee scrollamount="5"> This is a marquee with scrollamount 5 </marquee>
<!-- Scroll Delay --> <marquee scrolldelay="50">This is a marquee with scrolldelay 50</marquee> <marquee scrolldelay="100">This is a marquee with scrolldelay 100</marquee>
<!-- mouse over or click events --> <marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">This marquee will stop on mouseover.</marquee> <marquee onclick="this.stop()">This marquee will stop on mouseclick. </marquee>
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